Chapter 39: Explicit

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Warning: This chapter contains sex that is very rough and emotionally charged. Read at your own discretion. 

Just as Draco had promised, there was no trail of evidence to connect Ron's poisoning back to us. I oversaw Ron's recovery, and eventually things went back to normal. Or at least, things were normal for everyone but Draco.

Today was Saturday, March 22nd. That gave Draco three months- fifteen weeks, roughly one hundred and five days, to fix the Vanishing Cabinet and assassinate Dumbledore with the killing curse. It seemed like it was plenty of time. But to him, it was like a ticking time bomb, always looming over his head. Sometimes I thought I could see Draco physically drooping from the weight of his stress, but he never spoke about it. I had stolen a few Draughts of Living Death from the Medical Wing to help Draco sleep, but I couldn't keep up with how fast Draco was burning through them without risking Madam Pomfrey noticing a dent in her potions supply.

Draco had thrown himself into his work on the Vanishing Cabinet, which was as unrewarding as ever. I couldn't tell what made him angrier; making no progress, or making progress. I could see how he tensed with anxiety after he successfully made an apple disappear and reappear in the Cabinet- but he appeared to relax, seeming almost relieved, when a live beetle came back dead. One of these days he was going to fix the Cabinet and set the final plan into motion. When that day came, Death Eaters would come into the castle and help Draco confront Dumbledore so Draco could take him out with the killing curse.

I had learned not to bring the killing curse up around Draco anymore. My role was to support Draco, heal him when necessary, and not make him second-guess his capability to perform one of the most difficult curses in the entire wizarding world. But even though I couldn't voice my concerns or do anything that qualified as "getting in the way", I still didn't want him to do it.

I wished that I had someone I could talk to. I used to be able to tell my mother everything, but I couldn't ever tell her this. And my roommates still weren't speaking to me. Even though I had Draco to hold me and tell me everything would be alright, it was incredibly sad how alone I felt.

I turned off the shower. The water had turned cold.

I always overthought things in the shower.

I stepped out and tried to shake the thoughts from my head, focusing on brainstorming more remedies for Draco's anxiety. I was the only person in the women's loo that morning, and as I stood in my knickers and bra by the mirror above the sinks, I noticed that I had gotten thinner.

Maybe I should brainstorm anxiety remedies for myself, too.

The sound of the door to the restroom opening made me jump. Yeah, I think I definitely need something for my anxiety. I assumed most girls who used this restroom were in Hogsmeade for the weekend; but someone must have returned early. I knelt down to pick up my sweater.

When I stood up, I saw Draco in the mirror standing right behind me.

"Bloody hell," I cursed, placing a hand on my chest. "What are you doing in here, Draco?"

Draco looked unusually rugged. He was wearing a loose white collared shirt that was unbuttoned at the top, like he had just thrown it on. His hair hadn't been combed, and was still damp. Draco wrapped his arms around me, pressing into my back, placing a wet kiss on my bare neck. My heart thumped.

"I wanted to see you," he said in a gravelly voice. His hands roamed across my bare midsection. "It seems I came a bit too late. You already have clothes on."

His hand pawed at my chest, making me weak. "Strange how this isn't the first time I've encountered you in the women's restroom," I said breathily. We were in front of the mirror; so I had to watch myself be touched by him. I was going to tell him to leave, but I had to admit- it was extremely hot to watch his large hands run across my ribs, floating down to the outside of my knickers. He was touching me with a kind of strange urgency, and the fact that we were in the women's restroom made me nervously exhilarated.

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