Chapter 27: Malfoy Manor Part VI

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Pictured: Erica at Malfoy Manor.

Draco felt guilty enough after the discomforting contraceptive spell to return my wand to me. It turned out that he had it on his person the whole time, tucked into his belt. I lightly smacked him on the arm and threatened him with a jinx or two, but he only laughed.

My next request was a bit of an odd one; but Draco had left it up to me to decide what we would do on our date. "I would really like to see the gardens," I said to him. "Seeing them from the windows has made me curious as to just how much land you have."

Draco's response to my request was only a slight nod and soft chuckle, leading me to believe that perhaps they were not as impressive as I assumed. I was soon proven wrong.

Draco's land was huge.

Snaking gravel pathways ran from all exits of the house into the expansive gardens and wintry grounds surrounding the Manor. Beyond the tall iron fence that bordered the perimeter were frosty moors that went on as far as the eye could see. I gravitated wordlessly to the neatly trimmed hedges that retained a deep emerald green against the cloudy grey sky. Draco followed me into the hedge maze, watching me touch what I wanted to touch like a child in a museum.

"You know, for our first date I was expecting you to suggest Diagon Alley, or maybe a restaurant," Draco said teasingly. "But instead you want to see some bushes and flowers."

I gazed around at the tall foliage. "I always need more inspiration for paintings," I murmured, picturing exactly how I would paint the angles of the maze with the tip of the Manor peeking over the miniature poplar trees.

Draco snorted. "It's the middle of winter. Everything is dead."

"Even dead things can be beautiful," I said, absentmindedly gazing at the empty frame of what was once a bloom-heavy rose bush. All that was left on the twisty branches were red-tipped thorns.

"Who cares for the gardens?" I inquired. "They look immaculate."

Draco lazily strolled a few paces behind me with hands in the pockets of his cloak. He was uninterested in looking at the plants. He was likely used to seeing them in the summer when it was beautiful and bright, and now they bored him. "Don't know," he drawled, "Perhaps the House Elves."

"Do House Elves do everything around here?" I asked in a jokingly condescending tone.

"So what if they do?" Draco replied. "Don't tell me you don't have House Elves of your own."

"We did," I nodded, going deeper into the maze. "Nonny. She was quite helpful when I was younger, but when I went off to Hogwarts my mother decided she wasn't needed anymore."

I could tell that bothered Draco by the huff of contempt I heard rise from his throat. "A wizarding household freeing their House Elf is unnatural."

"My household was just my mother," I reminded him. "There was not much housework to be done that she wasn't happy to take care of herself." I thoughtfully pressed a leaf between my fingers as I passed. "Besides, we never freed Nonny. We gave her to a neighboring family."

I paused to allow Draco to fall into step beside me. There was a chill in the air, and I needed his warmth. I leaned slightly against his arm as we walked along the tall walls of the maze.

"It must have been lonely, just you and your mother," Draco said.

"It wasn't," I replied. "I mean, at times, yes. I did want the presence of a father. But I think it allowed my mother and I to become very close." I smiled to myself, thinking of all the times my mother had to be both the woman and man of the house, but no matter what, she always sat herself at the foot of my bed and vented to me at the end of the day. "Sometimes she acts more like a sister to me than a parent."

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