Chapter 1: The Acedemy

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Naruto's POV
Something that clouded the minds of the very loud students in this classroom. Which makes sense seeing as there were mad up of clan heirs. There were also a lot of civilians but most of them had parents that owned big time restaurants or were apart of the civilian council.

I sigh to myself 'why the hell is it so loud in here'. I open my eyes to see the main cause of the problem.

Of course. It's those two idiots Kiba and Menma arguing over who should sit next to one of the Hyuga sisters. I sigh again 'This is too much for the first month of the first year of the academy.'

"What's wrong, small fry"

I look to my right to see Sai. I sigh for the third time. Me and him are chill... he just talks to much sometimes. Too much information it ussaly is and sometimes i have to think about if hes calling me a 'small fry' or my dick a small fry'

"Nothing, it's just incredibly loud."

"Well of course, everybody's hyped for the tournament" Sai told me. I looked at him dumbfounded. Oh right, almost forgot about that. The Tournament held every year. This is gonna be fun. Though not easy. There are only clan heirs participating this year because the civilians haven't gotten enough training for that yet.

"You joining" I ask Sai.

"No... maybe next year though"

I remember the time me and him had a private spar at the back of the academy, so we could use jutsu's. He nearly beat me.

" You should, you'd probably beat me. But I feel you... don't wanna bring attention to yourself. I wouldn't have signed up for it if there wasn't money involved."

"Well I look forward to fighting you Naruto"

I look to the third last seat this table can fit. Shino.

"Oh what's up Shino didn't realize you were there"

"You never realize I'm here" Shino muttered.

" Well in a way Shino that's a good thing. Means you can sneak up on people and they would only realize it when you make your presence known. It's impressive and useful on missions. I don't think anybody even realized you came into the classroom!"

"I'm not really sure that's what Shino wants Naruto."

I turn around to see Yakumo. She's reading a book on human anatomy. She's always reading. Told me she works out to the brim after the academy too. Damn, with strength and smarts she's gonna be a monster on the battlefield.

"Well, I'm sure it was meant in a good way." Says Sai.

"..." No response

I sigh. She's focused on her book like usual.

"Could you please stop signing. I'm trying to sleep here."

I look to the tables in front of me. I sigh again.

"As if you could sleep with all the racket in here Shikamaru."

Another member of the friend group. Only reason why he is is because it's more quiet in the back of the class where we sit than the front. Where literally everyone is. It's only us though... thankfully. Only reason why everyone sits in the front is because the more popular clan heirs sit there. The less popular clan heirs and all of the civilians followed them like a heard of sheep. Excluding me, Sai, Shino, Yakumo, Shikamaru, and Choji...

I look to the person sitting next to Shikamaru. Choji was staring off Into space while eating chips. Not that it's a surprise. 

"Okaaaay, everyone please take your seats"

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