Chapter 3: Monster

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Naruto pov

The walk back to the academy was so far, peaceful.

I yawned.

Then I heard a loud bang.

And another one.

Then someone came flying through a wall. There goes my peaceful walk.

'Hmm. Unmistakable Blonde hair, white jacket. Most definitely the 4th. And I'm guessing that demon of a wife has him done in this time.'

"Oh Naruto is that you help the poor guy up will you."

I turned around to see the 3rd. Accompanied by the... kazekage!

I think he noticed I was staring a little too hard.

"What's your name young one."

"Uh, Naruto, Kazekage-sama." I bowed my head.

"So your the one I should place my-"

"So YOU are Naruto!"

I turned around to see the a-class ninja, Kushina Uzimaki.

I quickly turned to the 4th hokage and helped him up.

"Thank you Nar-"

"Kazi, Kazi hokage-sama" The best way to get away was to pretend I wasn't Naruto. "It's an honor to meet you."

I think the yondiame understood what I was trying to do.

"Oh what a nice civilian. Haha. Thank you for the help."

Stomping footsteps. Why am I being dragged into this.

"I thought it was Naruto."

Huh that's not Kazi-san's name. I turned around to see a red headed male. Pouting?

"A-ah no it's N- Kazi."

"Too bad. I wanted face the one the the yondiame was putting his bet on." It didn't seem like he believed my lie though. I looked behind him and saw two other kids.

"Before we continue," I froze to the voice of the yondiame's wife. "Look me in the eye and tell me your not Naruto" In the corner of my eye I saw the strained smile on her face.

I'm done... NO. I will be hokage no way I'm letting this lady scare me. I'll tell her my real name.

He faced her and looked her in the eye

"My name is..."

5 minutes later

"Coward" Minato whispered.

"Shut up"  I said back.

"Stop being mean to Kazi, Minato" Kushina told Minato. " He did help you up after flying through a few walls, and plus so cute.."

Cute... I have a mask on she can't even see my face.

"And I'm the one betraying our kids."

"What did you say?"

I'm not helping him this time.

"Naruto?" I realized I finally reached the academy. "What are you doing with my parents." And my cover now blown. It just had to be Nakano.

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