Chapter 1: The Red light District Lie

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There were no words to describe her.

In his short life, Naruto had never seen such elegance. Her white hair, her pale skin and eyes, she was beautiful in everyway. The snow that was falling from the sky just made her look all the more better.

And even as she was bruised and injured, her alluring looks captivated him.

"Boy" The words came. Her maturity and dominance shrouding over him.

Nothing would prepare him for what she said next:

"Kill me."

"What" Naruto had asked. His frail voice came.

The women looked over him. The rags he had for cloths. The malnutrition in him was very evident. She smirked.

Even growing up in Red light district this boy did not know exactly what this smirk meant. He had seen it before and every time he had seen it somebody either started screaming or something bad happened.

Never had this smile been directed towards him though. His small figure tried to get up but did not have the strength to do so.

For he had gone 2 days without food or water. Lately stealing had not been not given enough profit.

The women scanned the alleyway they were in. She grabbed a shard of glass and put it in the boys right hand.

"Kill me"

Naruto didn't want to do it, but who was he to reject her request. This women was clearly strong. He could sense it the overwhelming strength extruding from her figure.

'She might kill me if I don't do this.'

But... what do I care. Since my distant memories I've been homeless. I've slept  in snow. I've slept in rain.

For long times I've endured. Isn't this enough?

I've suffered for too long. This deed would be the last thing I did before I ended my own life.

The women's mischievous looking smile had only grew knowing that he would kill her. But Naruto payed no mind. For after this everything wouldn't matter.

With all the strength he had. He sliced her neck open. Blood had sprayed all over Naruto. The women dropped to the ground.

'Finally' he though to himself. ' I can be free.'

But before he could turn the blade on himself, he passed out dropping the glass from his hand.

Every trace of the women had disappeared, there was no sign that she was there at all. All the blood that had sprayed left the scene. Her chakra had completely disappeared and all that was left of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki was the black diamond mark on the right hand of Naruto Kuzoka.

Sometime Later

Momoshiki was very mad. That traitorous Kaguya had somehow gotten away from him.

'That damn bitch.'

He had long ago found where her chakra signature was last. The only thing there was dying boy.

He was heading back to the clan compound when something occurred to him.

'No... she wouldn't have...'

He laughed to himself.

That boy would be dead a few hours the way his body was.

Only if he knew how wrong he was.

near midnight later

The entirety of the leaf village had felt the rather large surge of chakra from the Red light district.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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