Chapter 2:The boy with no surname

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Minato's POV
Earlier that morning

What a peaceful day. Thankfully Nothing too significant has happened since the kyubbi Attack.

'Hmm. Wasn't I going to do something today...

Oh yeah. I was going to watch the first year academy tournament.'

I have to wait for the kazekage and his children to arrive first. I'll have to greet them to watch with me and my wife.

4 hours later

"It's been awhile Hokage". The kazekage greeted as he came through the door. Three children came in behind him.

"Ah, kazekage welcome" I greeted back.

"Are those your children," asked the Hiruzen. He had came in a little earlier and decided to stay and wait for them.

"Why yes they are. Say hi now"

The first child came up. He had brown hair and-

"Hello my name is Kankuro"


The second one stepped forward and introduced themselves. Blond short hair. (A/N: she's still growing out her hair.)

"Hello my name is Temari"


The third one didn't step up at all



"I see you have the rebellious type there." Hiruzen commented. Probably reminded him of his son.

I took a sip of my coffee.

"Yeah, she's coming along though."

I choked on my drink.


"Yeah. People commonly mistake her for a guy."

Hiruzen chuckled.

There was now a pregnant silence.

"Well, there's an academy tournament going on. Would you like to join me?"

On the walk there

"So, do you think one your children are going to win?"

"I don't know..."


Hiruzen, multiple council members and I were sitting and conversing in my office when someone had charged in without permission.

A child?

He had white hair and-

" I wanna do D-rank missions."

"What?" The Hyuga clan head asked.

"I wanna do D-rank missions."

Multiple anbu came in behind him heavily breathing.

"Kid... you can't just barge in here." One of them said.

Did this kid outrun multiple anbu?

The kid ignored them and repeated what he said.

"I want to do D-rank missions.

The Inuzuka clan heirs said something this time"Ya know kid you can't just barge in here and-"

" I was talking to the hokage not you."

Well, he has some balls.

"Brat..." Tsunade walked up to him and grabbed him by the head. Oh no.

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