Adventure 13 - Winning

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Well, after so long this is from Bitter & Sassy. Enjoy!


Adventure 13 ― Winning
Victim: Louis Tomlinson

There was one thing Moni loved more than cats, more than cupcakes and more than cars and that thing was winning. Moni loved winning but she wasn’t a compulsive gambler, in fact she rarely gambled at all or anything remotely similar, only when she knew she would win. As much as she wanted that, she hated losing and she was very careful what she took part of any risky adventure. That was why she rejected most competitions, unless she was certain she had big chances at winning. Some could say it was a very boring way to go, but it was very gratifying. Winning was always a thrill.

That was why she bet on something, she had to be certain about it and she was beyond convinced when she bet against Louis and his feelings before he left to Spain. For months he kept claiming to hate women and specially Kay when everyone could see he was head over heels for her. But everyone also knew Louis was the most stubborn of the lot, so accepting his feelings was going to be hard. But it would happen, sooner or later.

When Moni made a bet with Louis on whether his feelings for Kay would change or not, she knew it was victory for her. Well, his feelings wouldn’t change because she knew by then he loved her, but she meant his attitude regarding Kay. On his return he would stop fighting his feelings and accept he loved Kay and Moni was so sure about it that she didn’t even blink when Louis dared her to dress in pink and shout she hated cars if she lost. It wasn’t going to happen, he could dare her to dress like a princess for seven days and do only girly things and never touch a cat again and she would still bet because she was so certain she was going to win that nothing else mattered. And in return she asked for the first thing that popped in her mind that would utterly humiliate Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, and of course, she had to make that public. It was so sweet to be friends of a Youtuber that was doing better every day. God bless Savannah.

When Louis came back not only accepting his feelings but also without Kay for being stupid, Moni decided that making him pay his lost debt was all the punishment he needed for being a giant moron.

“Louis, my dear, lovely, wonderful Louis,” Moni told the boy who was walking behind her, Mila and Phebs that had decided on go book shopping and as a way to make amends Louis had to carry all their books. He brought Liam with him, but that didn’t matter.

“Should I run?” Moni heard him whispering at Liam and she turned to grin at the boys.

“It won’t help you,” she replied and he looked a bit panicked. He knew that look she was giving him, a look that told him it wasn’t going to be pretty for him. “Now that you know the idiot you are and you’ve apologised and are trying to make amends, I guess it’s my duty to remind you of that time at the airport, where we made a bet.”

Louis literally went pale, his eyes wide in sheer horror.

Her smile widened. “Oh yeah, you’ll have to dance in a hula skirt with a coconut bra for Savannah’s next video. I have everything settled,” she reminded him and he gulped.

Mila, Phebs and Liam look at the other two people with confused slash amused expressions. “You made a bet with Moni? A humiliating bet?” Liam questioned him and Louis nodded, still looking like a ghost. “Why would you do that?”

“Because I thought I didn’t love Kay and I would never fall for her why is Moni a psychic?” he snapped and Moni chuckled.

“She’s not a psychic, you’re just foolish. Everyone knew you loved Kay so everyone could’ve made that bet, but you made it with the Devil Herself.”

“Thank you,” Moni said to Mila’s words and the girl smiled sweetly at the brunette. “So now, chop, chop! We have a video to shoot. Savannah just texted me that she is ready. Let’s go!”

Louis gulped and the others only laughed as they followed Moni. Louis himself got in that mess, no one could save him because he did that bet. And when they got to Savannah’s home where indeed a hula skirt and coconut bra were waiting for Louis, Mila and Phebs burst out laughing. Liam wasn’t in the mood of laughing since his fallout with Tammy, but even he couldn’t keep it together when Louis came out dressed like that. He looked miserable but so hilarious, awkward and it was clear he wanted to die.

“You look gorgeous, sexy!” Moni exclaimed in a very flamboyant way. “Embrace your inner Hawaiian dancer!”

Louis blushed but then just shrugged. “What the hell! If I’m gonna do this, I might do it great.”

So he just decided he was a Hawaiian dancer and when Savannah started shooting with the music, he took it seriously and danced like he was the king of the world… although it looked like anything but hula. Still, he seemed to be having a great time and everyone was laughing. Savannah and even Liam joined him in the dancing that had everyone cracking up.

“Mate, I can’t wait when I upload this,” Savannah mentioned when the shooting was over but Louis was still wearing his skirt and bra proudly.

“I can’t wait to see what the fans say,” Moni pointed out.

“They’ll see I have talent and I should quit One Direction to become a professional hula dancer,” Louis stated matter-of-factly and they all laughed again. “I’m serious.”

“You should totally become that. I’ll follow you with a camera every day,” Moni replied before looking at his bra. “Good thing it’s made of coconut or it would be a very pitiful sight.”

“Boobless but proud,” he chanted and stroke a pose. They just laughed and pushed him to change before he really decided to quit the band.

A week later, when the lads had left for the next part of the European leg of the tour, Louis was the new YouTube sensation, and he wore proudly his title and a picture of him wearing his hula outfit was Moni’s most recent iPhone background. Winning was such a sweet and lovely thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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