The Supreme Master's Plan

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I am so glad I left the hospital wing, it was getting kind of boring in there. I rented a few books from the library about extraterrestrial life trying to see if I can find anything about Orzo's but with no luck. I just can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I am trying to look for a mention of Orzo's in here but all I find is some intellectual pig race called Bruth's. Supposedly these guys go to other planets and invade them for their subpreme overlords for which I can't find who their overlords even are. Bruth's are supposedly very strong and consider themselves better than everyone else. They think them and their masters are the only ones allowed to rule the galaxy

"Are you feeling better" Hazel said in a worried tone, walking into the room

"Yeah I just can't find any mention of Orzo's" I replied back

My sister just faced towards me "Chillax, you're stressing too much"

"They are bad aliens and they want nothing but destruction. I am sorry but right now I can't chillax because right now I have to find out information that could be used against these guys, even 1 second of me not learning is a second wasted" I responded in a heated tone

"Ok I am leaving, I will talk to you later when you're less heated" My sister said, and I could tell she was annoyed and walked away. Now I kind of feel guilty that I snapped on her, this little amount of sleep I have spent trying to find any mention of Orzo's has gotten to me

Amaya walks into the room with her arms crossed staring at me "I know you have barely gone to sleep, but snapping on your sister like that is not tolerated. You may not agree with me but she is trying to help you the best she could, so you should go to sleep, it will help with your anger issue" but before I could even respond, Amaya walks out of the room

There was one thing I don't agree with Amaya, and that was that I do agree with what she was talking about

So I took Amaya's advice and I went to sleep

I looked around to see that I wasn't in my room, I was in some sort of cell

"What do you mean the Shaezon Crystal is isn't there, that's where the map said it should be" I recognized the voice to be The Supreme Master's

"I don't know sir" the alien I recognized from before's voice, cowering in fear

"He must have known where it was and hid it somewhere else, bring me the boy" The Supreme Master bellowed loudly

"Right away sir" The alien said, trembling in fear

"And also. don't forget about that life threatening mission" The Supreme Master responded

Next thing I knew the alien was dragging me see the room where The Supreme Master was

The Supreme Master turns to me "Where is the Shaezon Crystal boy"

Before I could even respond, something else responded for me and I yelled "I will never tell you"

"You know what will happen if we get that Crystal" The Supreme Master said with a smirk

"I know, I know, you will use its power to take over the universe... yada yada yada" I replied, unamused

"you know, I could kill you right now if I wanted to. I can take your life, but I won't because you are a pawns to me. You are a pawn in my plan" The Supreme Master was now looking at a book

"Please don't go forward in your plan, it will destroy the entire universe" I pleaded to The Supreme Master

"I will manage the explosion, make sure it won't destruct the whole universe" The Supreme Master said smirking again

"And how would you do that" I sassed

"By freezing time" the Supreme Master, glad of his plan

"And kill everyone, including yourself"

"What do you mean" the Supreme Master said, looking slightly worried

"You can't just freeze time and expect there to be no consequences, freezing time would mean freezing the universe atom by atom. Heat is caused by how fast atoms are moving so freezing atoms will make the universe cold at an alarming rate, killing all life in the universe, and if you leave someone to unfreeze time, they will die and time will remain frozen"

"Don't tell me you believe this earth science crap" The Supreme Master remarked

"I do, and I'm warning you don't, go through with this plan, the universe will fall" I responded back

"I know what I'm doing" The Supreme Master said like a madman

"Now, tell me where the Shaezon Crystal is"

"No" I shouted

Next thing I know, I feel pain that feels like a 5 degree burns surging through my body

"Tell me, or you will feel that again" The Supreme master was now shouting at me

"I can't" I cried, and then I felt the same pain again, this time more unbearable

"Now will you tell me"


"I take that silent doesn't know" and then I felt the pain again, it felt stronger this time and longer

"Fine, I guess I can't get it into your big thick skull, take him back to his cell" and then the alien was dragging me back to the cell

"Jadyn, Jadyn" I heard the voice echoing through the cell

"Jadyn wake up" and then I woke up to see that same dog staring down at me

"I saw you were having a bad nightmare, so I decided to wake you up" the dog responded happily "Will you pet me now"

"Did you waking me up just so I could pet you"


"And also how can I understand you"

"I feel kind of hurt, you don't remember your gift of speaking to animals"

Now that was new, I didn't know I was able to speak to animals. Not remembering my past doesn't really help at all

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