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"Come in" a dark creepy voice says in the hallway

Inside, I couldn't believe what I was looking at, I was looking at a giant green squid with a red eyes

"Hello Supreme Master" said the other green squid

"I have a mission for you" The Supreme Master said to the other alien

"What is it my Lord" he said bowing

"I need you for a secret mission, a mission that might cause you to lose your life" The Supreme Master bellowed

"I understand" the alien said in a sad tone

"Your presence is no longer needed" The Supreme Master barked

The alien leaves with his head facing down, I actually kind of feel bad for the guy

"Now, what are we going to do with you" The Supreme Master said as he slowly moved his head in my direction

Next thing I know, I felt like I was leaving my body

"You can't spy on me and expect to get away with it" The Supreme Master laughed

Next thing I know I woke up on a medical bed

"Oh goodness, you're awake" said a lady looking down at me

I look around to see that I'm in the hospital wing

"What happened" I muttered

"You had a seizure in your sleep" the nurse was inspecting me

"I had a seizure" I said surprised

"Yeah, are you feeling better" Hazel replied in a worried tone

"Yeah" I replied back

Right just then the hospital wing door swings opens and the headmaster walks in

"Can I speak to Jadyn in private" the Headmaster says motioning the Hazel and the nurse

They both leave the room, leaving me with the headmaster

The Headmaster turns his head to me "You saw them, didn't you"

At first I didn't know what he was talking about, then I remembered the green squid aliens

"The green squids" I remarked

"They're called Orzo's, nasty little critters" the headmaster smirked

"But that was just a dream" I responded back

The headmaster then shook his head no "It was not a dream, it was a memory"

"B-but that's i-impossible" I replied stuttering

"I wish it were, but we can't dwell on the past ... We have to work on the future" The Headmaster said pacing and continued "We can't let these guys get what they want"

"Do you remember anything else" the headmaster went back to looking at me

"I wish I did but I don't" tears started to form in my eyes

The headmaster went back to pacing "We have to get you to remember, you know more than anyone else at the school. You were scared to tell us what was happening and I just wish you told us. I just remember you saying that they were really powerful and that there was a way to defeat them. We have to find a way for you to get your memories back without having seizures."

"Do you remember my past" I said to the headmaster

"Oh I wish I could tell you but I can't right now, I know you'll remember your past in do time, I can't force the process onto you"

"What are Orzo's" I asked the headmaster

"I don't know much about, you knew more"

How can I know something a headmaster could not, he was hiding something. The headmaster is hiding something and I am gonna figure it out

Space Academy - The Awoken | BOOK 1 |Where stories live. Discover now