chapter 3

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yn's pov

a few weeks to christmas

i walk into the room and it was a mess of clothes. "nux. didn't i just clean this room." i said. he looked back. 

"sorry i was looking for my wallet." he said. i sighed and started picking up, that once clean clothes from the floor. i folded them on the bed and put them away. 

"well what i came in here for was, to ask you a different question."

"and that would be?" he said just finishing his edits. 

"do you know what day it is today." i asked excitedly.

"uh?" he looked at the date. "uh?" 

"you don't know?" i asked sadly. 

"i'm sorry. it must be special since your excited." he said and i sat on his lap. 

"our one year."

"has it been one year. it feels so much shorter." he said and i pouted. 

"it a good thing i remember and i got you a gift." he said happily. i smiled and watched him  reach into his desk. 

"i got you something too." i said reaching into my draw and pulled out a small box. he hands me my gift. i gave him his. we open it at the same time. 

"oh that so cool. a watch that says nuxanor on it." he said. i smiled. 

"turn it." i said and he turned it over. 

"oh that's so sweet. congrats on a million on your chan- wait what!" he said and quickly looked at his channel. "oh my god i didn't even notice." he said. i chuckle. "okay now open yours."

"okay." i said happily. i open it and it was a star necklace. it looked really expensive. "baby. this looks really expensive."

"that doesn't matter."

"it does." he said and i pouted. 

"you know i don't like people spending money on me." i said. 

"repeat after me. thank. you." he said and i looked down at the gift. he flipped that. it was engraved as well. 'nuxy'sgirl' was written on the back. he can't return it now. 

"thank you." i said tears coming to my eyes. 

"don't cry." he laughed nervously. 

"i can't help it. i love you." i said, wiping my eyes. 

"i love you too." he said grabbing the necklace and put it around my neck. "okay. i have to film something for my channel." he said and i nodded getting off him. i pecked his lips one last time and i left to the living room. i guess i'll just watch netflix until he's done. i looked around and not much christmas stuff is up. it was like this last year. i stood up again and put on some christmas songs on. not too loud because he was filming a video. i made a pot of coffee. i looked around for any christmas decoration. i made my way to the basement and didn't find any. i looked for an attic and went up there. i found a box of decorations. i smiled and made my way to the living room. i started working on the living room decorations and smiled as it was very festive looking. i looked to the shelf he had that had movies in it. i thought for a moment and an idea came to my head. i walked to the music and turned it off. i wrote a note for nux saying i will be back soon. then i remember the coffee. i quickly made a mocha for nux. it was a peppermint because i was in the christmas spirit. i carried it to the bedroom and quietly walked in. i placed it on his desk. "oh what is that."

"a peppermint mocha. have you never had one before." i asked. 

"yeah but i didn't like it very much it was always too strong." he said. 

"try this one. it's homemade." i said and he sipped it. 

"oh that hot." he said. 

"well duh. it's a mocha." i said laughing. 

"it's good." he said. i looked at him for any lying. he sipped it again and i smiled. 

"is it. i'm glad." i said and he looked at me. he looked at the drink. 

"did you put something in it." he asked getting worried. 

"no. just the peppermint extract. just a drop." i said. 

"a drop is that much." he said shocked. i nodded. 

"i'm also going to the store i'll start lunch when i get back."

"can't we get some post mates?" he asked. 

"i'm not getting food. you can order some if you really want to." i said. 

"okay.. what are you getting?" he asked confused. 

"just something." i said leaving it a mystery for him. 

"okay." he said unsure. i smiled at him and left. 

"i'll be back in like 30 minutes." i said. i grabbed my purse and made my way to the front door. 

"okay bye." he said.

time skip. 

i walked back in and nux was watching a movie. "i'm back."

"mmhmm." he said. i grabbed his empty cup and brought it to the sink. a knock came to the door. "food's here." nux said. he got up to pay for it. 

"what did you order."

"some Chinese." he said. he placed the bag on the counter. i washed the dishes while he set up the little containers that had the food in it.

"how  much food did you get."

"there is a thing called left overs." he said smiling. 

"i know but that's just a lot of food." i said. 

"so. i'm hungry." he said. i sighed and handed him a plate. "thanks." he said. we made our plates and i put the food away in plastic containers putting labels on them. i put them in the fridge. i sat next to nux and we start eating. "so are you going to tell be what you bought."

"Christmas decorations." i said. 

"and you kept that a mystery because...."

"because i also went Christmas shopping." i said. 

"oh." he said. 

"what have you been up to while i was gone. did you miss me?" i said and he smiled. 


that's the chapter i hope you liked it. 

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