The Jacket

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"Bro, wake up"

Jughead is lying unconscious on the ground, by his bike. Blood is dripping down his face from a gash on his forehead. Toni is kneeling over him, shaking him, trying to wake him up. "Jones, wake up," she said as she lightly smacked his face. Toni looks behind her to Fangs. "Do you see her, anywhere?" she asked.

"No," he said. "Archie and Rob are on the other side of the building, looking around." he adds, clearly just as frustrated as she was.

Toni sighed. This was not good.

Jughead starts to make a noise and starts to move. His hand automatically goes to his head. He wants to move more than he was, but he doesn't. He is in a serious amount of pain.

"You need to take it easy, you may have a concussion." Toni told him. Which she's sure he didn't hear.

Jughead then starts to sit up. He's not sure of his surroundings. He's dizzy and light headed. "Fuck" he screamed. He's moving his hand up to his ribs, he's putting pressure on it. He is hearing many different voices, not registering any one of them.

"Jug, are you okay?" Toni asked him.

Archie and Rob walked out from inside the building.

Jughead tried to get up, blood rushing to his head, making him dizzy. He then falls back down. He opens his eyes but it's hard for him to see, his vision is blurry.

"He's obviously not okay." Archie said as he tried to help him up.

"Huh?" he said as he started to look around.

"Rob, help me!" Archie said.

Both men are trying to get Jughead into a sitting position.

"My head." Jughead said only more coherently this time.

Kevin comes running up to the group. "My father is on his way." he said.

Jughead rubs his eyes, then looks at everyone. "What?" he asked, still unsure where he was. "Why are all of you looking at me like that?" he asked.

"Seriously?" Toni asked.

"What?" he asked, still very confused.

"I'm pretty sure he needs to go to the hospital." Fangs said.

"Jug, tell me what happened?" Toni asked, dismissing what Fangs had said.

Jughead looks over at his bike for a long while. "Umm, what?" he asked.

"He's not all here." Archie said.

"You don't say." Toni said as she rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure what to do. He's the only one that knows what happened and we have no idea where Betty is at." she adds,

"Betty," Jughead said. He gasped. Realizing now what has happened. "We need to fucking find her." He said as he started to stand up.

"I already called Pea and have serpents looking for her, but can you tell me what happened?" Toni asked.

" I need to find her." he said as he held on tightly to Archie's arm.

"You need to stop, you are in no condition to do much of anything right now. We need to get you checked out" Toni said,

Jughead sat back down. He had no fight in him. He was hurt. "I felt pain, I remember falling and I heard her scream. Next thing I know, you were waking me up" he sighed. He did not like this, he did not like this at all. "I'm going to fucking kill who ever did this." he screamed.

Southside: a story of us: part 2; Senior year.Where stories live. Discover now