Homework and more

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The Serpent King does something that he thinks should be exempt from. Homework. He hates school work and when you bring it home, he hates it even more. He sees no point in it.

So, he is sitting on the sofa in the living room of the trailer he lives in. He is trying to ponder the meaning of life while trying to do all this homework that they all got assigned to them on the first day of school. Really? The first day. It puts him in a mood, which he can't do anything about because the beauty sitting next to him will not be happy. He can't have an unhappy Queen.

Jughead looks up and sees everyone doing their homework. Why does this even matter? He bets they won't even use this after high school. He flips the page. "Why is Trigonometry a required course? When will I use this crap?" he asked. Not one person responded to him. They are all caught up in their home work. "Ahhhhhhh!" he screamed.

Now they all look at him. Betty snorts when she sees the look on his face. Toni throws a pillow at him for disturbing her.

"Do you feel better now, Jones?" She said, laughing.

"I would feel better If I wasn't ignored." he said.

"Awe, Baby, we weren't trying to ignore you." Betty said as she kissed him. "It's just well, it's homework." she adds.

That word again, Homework. He is trying to decide if he should ban homework. If it's not allowed you can't do it. Jughead shook his head. He knew it wouldn't work, but it was a nice thought.

Betty leaned in to him. "It's our last year, Juggie. Keep remembering that. Then it's me and you, all day, everyday." she adds.

He chuckled. "There's one problem with that," he said.

"Oh, and what's that?" she asked as she went back to writing in her notebook.

"I have all of that now." he said, smirking.

She chuckled. "Oh, I know." she said. "But with no homework" she adds laughing.

He smirked.

The door to the trailer opens and Archie and Fangs walk in. Jughead immediately gets up when he sees the look on their faces.

"Bro, we need to talk." Archie said.

Jughead nods "Girl's, we will be right back" he said. Then they walk outside the trailer. Sweets comes out shortly and joins them. Normally he would talk inside with them, but Josie is there. "Whats up?" Jughead asked.

"So, we were minding our business watching Mr Muller outside of school. Kai then showed up. Mr Muller handed him a briefcase then Kai left." Archie said.

"So, the teacher works with the Ghoulies. This isn't all that surprising. Did you happen to see Penny there?" he asked.

"No, just Kai and a few other ghoulies." Archie said. "But that's not what I wanted to tell you, or rather show you." Archie adds.

Fangs pulls out his phone and hands it to Jughead. He takes the phone and he sees a picture of Jason Blossom. "Hmm, I knew he was into some shady shit." Jughead said.

"Cheryl did say she thought he was involved with the ghoulies. She also mentioned that her dad had dabbled in the drug trade too." Archie said.

"Yeah I remember. They could all be working together."Jughead said as he lit the cigarette that he had been holding. "This pretty much proves it." he adds.

"I don't know. Maybe a little more proof would make things a little easier." Sweets said.

"Yeah, you're right." he said as he turned and looked out the open window. "Cheryl needs to know." Jughead said. "Also, I want a meeting in 2 hours," he adds.

Southside: a story of us: part 2; Senior year.Where stories live. Discover now