Weekend shenanigans

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It's the weekend and Jughead is ecstatic. The weekend means no school, It's the highlight of his week. He's sitting at the Wyrm right now waiting on Archie and Fangs. It's also Betty's weekend yoga class that he couldn't miss. Because Jughead jones appreciates yoga. It opened his mind to greater and better things, or mainly just Betty's ass. He's thought about writing a letter to the creator of this said Yoga. "Oh man." he said as she bent her legs and thrust her ass in the air.

"Give up, you know that's the real reason you are down here this early. The Jughead I know doesn't get up before noon on the weekend." Sweets said as he sat down next to Jughead.

"I plead the fifth." Jughead laughed. "Anything new?" he asked his oldest friend.

"Ghoulies are back at the compound." Sweets said.

"All of them? Even Penny?" he asked.

"Most of them yes, I haven't heard anything about Penny. I don't think she's there." Sweets said.

"Oh" Jughead said as he tilted his head a little.

"That's new" Sweets laughed.

"Shut up" Jughead smirked. "Back you what I was saying. I don't like that Penny isn't there, she's never returned my text or call and if she isn't there that means only one thing and that is Kai is in charge." He adds, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe she put someone else in charge," Sweets shrugged.

"I highly doubt it. Kai is her son after all." He said.

Sweets shakes his head. "We should record this shit." he laughed. They watched their fellow gang members make fools of themselves.

"Trust me, I've thought about it." he said. "I want to visit the Ghoulies tonight. I'm tired of waiting. I want information now." he adds.

"On it boss." Sweets said as he hopped up and walked out of the bar.

Jughead goes back to watching Betty, she catches his gaze and she wanders over to him.

Betty smiles as she kisses him and sits down. "Yoga is good for you, Juggie. You should try it." she said.

"I've told you this before, princess. You will never convince me to join your little class." he said as he caressed her cheek.

Betty laughed. "The challenge is not over, Jones. I will win." she said as she pulled away from him.

Jughead arched his brow. "You're hanging out with Toni too much, that sounds exactly like something she would say." he said.

She shrugged her shoulders.

Jughead likes how much more confident she is getting, she's getting healthier and healthier as the days go by. Mentally and physically.

"Before I forget, we are visiting the ghoulies tonight. You will be hanging out with the girls." he said.

Betty frowned. She doesn't like her cousin. He scares her and she's always afraid that he will hurt Jughead. "Be careful. Please." she said.

"What? I thought you liked me reckless" He said, smirking.

Betty got up on her tiptoes and moved towards his ear. "Do you know how incredibly sexy you are right now." she said.

This is different, he thought to himself. "Oh!" is all he said. He thinks he likes the direction this is going in.

"You make me think such dirty thoughts." she said as she blushed.

Jughead laughs. "You can't even say that with a straight face." he said.

"I'm trying something new," she said as she looked down to his lap."Did it work." she asked no one in particular. Betty noticed the bulge there and smirked. "Yup, it did." she adds as she turns around and walks away.

Southside: a story of us: part 2; Senior year.Where stories live. Discover now