Dark Day's

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Jughead sits outside the Wyrm, smoking a cigarette. It's the day of the dance. He's been dreading this day since Betty started talking about it. He is not that guy that does dances, he has never been to one and he didn't plan on going to one, ever. That's until a certain Blonde had begged him too. She didn't beg, she asked, nicely and he gave in. How could he say no to her?
But that doesn't take away from him actively plotting to get out of it.

For instance, he could fake a cold, need to wash his hair, or have a family emergency. The excuses are endless. He smiles at all the ones he has heard over the years from various people that he has encountered.

He wouldn't do that though, he loves her too much for that. He would suck it up, put on a suit and tie and go dance with the love of his life.


Jughead looks up and sees Pea standing next to him. "Hey" he said.

"That lady is back in town." Pea said,

"What lady?" Jughead questioned.

"The one from the bar last week, Dianne Dunn" Pea said.

"Oh, is she now." he said. Jughead has had his serpents out looking for her. He doesn't trust her and he knows for certain that she is up to something and it has to do with Betty.

"She came from Centerville," Pea said as he sat down next to Jughead.

"That's where Betty is from" Jughead said,

"Mmhmm" Pea said.

"How did you find this out?" he asked. "I wouldn't have thought she would be from there. It makes it too obvious." he adds, as he pulls out a cigarette and hands it to Pea.

"Razor and Chad were doing some business up there and they had seen her, coming out of the Walmart there." Pea said.

"It's always Walmart," Jughead said, shaking his head.

Pea chuckled. "Chad also informed me that weird people live there and Razor doesn't want to go back," Pea said as he continued to laugh.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"Razor said and I quote, "The crackhead that came out of Walmart and started to hit on me and I'm not gay" he said.

"He's not?" Jughead laughed.

"I guess not," Pea said, also laughing,

"Oh, who knew," Jughead said as he shrugged his shoulders. It didn't matter to Jughead what his Serpent's sexuality was. His best friend Fangs is gay. He just assumed Razor was gay by the way he looked and acted at times. It goes to show you can't judge a book by its cover.

"I know right. But whatever it doesn't really matter I guess," Pea said.

"Not at all," he said, as he nodded. "But they need to go back up there." Jughead said as he watched Archie pull up.

"Eh, they're still up there. I wouldn't let them leave" Pea laughed. "I have them trying to find where she is staying at" he adds,

Archie walks over to them. "Sup" he said to both men.

"Hey, Arch" Jughead said as he looked up at Pea. He was looking at his phone now. "What's wrong?" he asked him.

"Josie, I need to see what she wants. I'll catch up to you later" he said as he walked over to his bike and left.

"How's it going?" Jughead asked as Archie sat down next to him. Jughead seems to be popular today. But that comes with the territory of being the Serpent King.

Southside: a story of us: part 2; Senior year.Where stories live. Discover now