32. Feeling of Love

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Don't forget to check Author's note at last..🙃🙏


Dhriti's pov

Girls can't do anything. They are meant to be in house only. You should be greatful that we are letting you study....

You have made us ashamed...

"Why are you calling us at this time.. you know we are having guests over here .... Don't call us again and again. "

"What happened your lovely father is not responding..."

"Go get that bitch......"


I was taking deep breathes... All scenes were coming in front of my eyes.

My body again started shivering. Tears were flowing from my eyes. I looked at the time and saw its 4 am.

I took my pills and went to my closet to change into jogging suit and shoes. I took my car keys and drove towards my destination.

After driving for two hours I reached my destination. I went out of my car and sat on the grass taking deep breathes.

The scene in front of me calmed me a little.

(This place is Chunchi falls which is approx

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(This place is Chunchi falls which is approx. 90 kms. away from Bangalore)
(P.S. - I don't live in Bangalore or anywhere near it.. got to know about this place from Google)

There was silence all over without sign of any human present here. There was greenery and pleasant sounds of birds chirping and water falling on the rocks.

I closed my eyes and a slight smile came to my face. This is what heaven is. My escape from this world. Where there is not any person, any signal or phone network, not any work.

I kept looking at waterfall enjoying my peaceful "Me time". How happy it would be na just to stay here without any stress.

Just then breaking my dreams my watch beeped showing its 8 am already. And I have to rush back as I can't escape from my work. I sighed in disappointment and stood up and started walking towards my car.

I have to reach my office at 11 and before that I have to go to my sister's house too to show her my face and make her believe that I am doing alright.


Journey to my apartment was sooner than before. I took a bath and got ready for office.

I drove towards dii's home and saw them waiting for someone or we can say that someone was me. 🙄🙄

"Mom-Dad you could have had your breakfast already. It's 10:15 am. What about your medicines now?? 😒😒" I said and looked at them with stern look.

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