23. Mr. Dhruv Sharma

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Third person's pov

Dhruv heard that voice and stopped speaking. He was not expecting this person here and turned towards her praying to god that it shouldn't be the same person.

But his prayers were not heard by God. He looked at the same person standing in front of me with stern look and her hands folded to her chest.

Yes the person was none other than Dhruv's mothers the great Mrs. Sakshi Sharma standing in all her glory.

"What is going on here??
Care to explain..."
Mrs. Sharma spoke glaring at her son.

"Good afternoon mam..
I was waiting for your arrival.."
Dhriti said to Sakshi in polite tone and gave a hard look to Dhruv.

Dhruv was looking like a lost kid.

"Is it Dhriti??
What happened?? Is there any problem?? I hope there is not any disturbance in work...."
Sakshi spoke and raised her eyebrow looking towards Dhruv while speaking last line.

She was confident that the problem is relating to her dear son...
She knew her son well 😉

"Mam... Work is going on perfectly..
But there are some employees in your showroom who prefer to roam around and disturb other person rather than doing their own work"
She spoke glaring at Dhruv.

Dhruv pouted like a kid
Sakshi was looking at duo with amused look.

"People like them don't deserve to work in your showroom..
You are too polite for them...
They don't deserve you as their boss"
Dhriti continued while glaring at Dhruv.

Dhruv gave a small playful smile and spoke in a pleading tone-
" Noo mam... Please don't terminate me... Please mam i am the only bread earner in my family.. please mam..
I will completed focus on my work now 😉 (he winked at Dhriti) "

Dhriti looked at him with wide eyes and was about to lash at him but stopped herself while looking at Sakshi.She spoke to him in hard tone-
"You should have thought about it before flirting with me..."

Dhruv faked a sad tone😔-
"Please mam.. I am a poor man... Please let me do this job. If you terminate me, i will be jobless then how would i be able to propose my girl... I am still single 😢"

Dhriti looked at him shocked
"You are upset because you won't be able to propose your girl rather than caring for your family??

Suddenly a scream is heard....
Mrs. Sakshi has twisted her dear son's ear.

"Ouchh... Maa.. leave "
Dhruv screamed in pain..

"Maaa ke bacche..
Enough of your drama...
What you said you are poor??
Only bread earner of our family??"
Sakshi twisted his ear making him scream again.

Dhriti was looking at them with confused face.
Our family?? What are they talking about??
She thought in her mind.

"I am sorry beta...
I can't terminate him because he is not my employee.."
Sakshi said to Dhriti.

She got more confused now.

"This idiot here in front of you is not my employee... He is my younger son CEO of SR Tech Ltd Dhruv Sharma"
Sakshi spoke while slapping Dhruv at back of his head.

Dhriti's eyes widen in shock.


Dhriti's pov

He... He is not an employee..
Younger Son of Mrs. Sakshi Sharma
He is CEO....
CEO of SR Tech Ltd.

My eyes widen in shock...
Oh god why the hell i was not aware??
I got very embarrassed now...
I should haven't spoken to him in the way i did...

I can see smirk on his face 😏

He came towards me and offered his hand
"Hey gorgeous lady... I am Dhruv Sharma, youngest child of Mrs. Sakshi & Mr.Rohan Sharma, CEO of SR Tech Ltd."

The amusement never left his face.

I didn't know how to react. It was turning awkward. I looked at his hand in the mid air.

I shook hand with him and replied a little "Hii.."

He grinned and bowed a little
"It was nice to meet you lady..."

I was feeling heat on my cheeks.
I just nodded and looked at Sakshi mam.

"Mam... I would.. ahh..
I would just come after some important work"
I stammered and ran towards my cabin.

I can hear giggling sound which i am sure is of  Mr. Dhruv Sharma.

I reached my cabin and drank water to calm myself..
I called Stella inside my cabin.

"Stella.. why didn't you tell me about Mr. Dhruv Sharma whom i assumed as an employee.."
I asked her...

"Mam i tried to tell you yesterday 3-4 times... But you cut my words whenever i tried and then your phone rang so..."
She explained.

I glared at her and then sighed
"Okay bring my coffee.."

I don't know how to face him after knowing about his real identity.

Work is almost completed.. It will take 2 days more and then i will be back to my office...
Now since mam has returned I don't think he will come to showroom. I can handle for 2 days..

I sighed and started checking my mails and other projects.


Coming up-

"There is party next weekend my store as renovation has completed,
And you have to come beta.."

"Mam.. thank you for inviting me.. but what will i do here..."

"I don't want any excuses.. you are coming it's final..."

He was looking at her with mouth wide open.. she was looking epitome of beauty...

She was getting uncomfortable but he was not able to remove his eyes from her...


Hello everyone 😊👋
How are you all ??
I hope you are doing well..
So hows the chapter???

I know this was a short chapter but i will update next one soon 😄🤗

Thank you for reading.🙏
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Keep showing love..🤗💜

Stay Happy
Stay Safe ❤
Till then okayy.. bye..

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