38. Punishment

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Dedicated to my new readers MahekMehta9 and deepikadeepu737
Your votes made my day...



The black spots formed in front of my eyes and then I landed into a deep slumber...

(#flashback ends#)

I completed and look at the expressions of them.

All of them were looking upset more than that they were angry. Also, there was a proud smile on their face.

"We will see him soon... But before that, I am really proud of you my baccha..." Jiju said kissing my forehead.

"Yes, Dhriti we are proud of you... The way you handled him....." Dii said caressing my cheek.

"That's like my girl" Kriti said grinning at me.

"But if you filed a complaint against him then how come he got bailed this soon... " Dhiraj asked in confusion.

"But I never filed a complaint against Manan as I was not even aware at that time that it's him...
I only came to know when he was revealing all this to Mansi. " I said and then looked at dii and jiju.

"Did... Did you both??" I asked them.

"No, you never talked about it... Whenever we tried you changed the topic... We only filed your missing complaint" Dii said but jiju was looking here and there.

"Jiju??? " He looked at me and said, "You need rest now... We will talk about it later..."

We were busy in our conversation missing the person who was present hearing us without any response. I looked at him.

"Dhruv... You here...." I started but was interrupted by him.

"I will not leave him...." He spoke in anger and dashed outside the room.

Everyone started looking at me for an explanation. I asked jiju and Dhiraj to stop him from doing anything.
They ran behind him.

"Dhriti... Who is he??" Swati dii asked.

I can clearly see a mischievous smile on her as well as Kriti's face.

"He is.. He is my client and..."
I stammered.

Why was I feeling nervous?

"And??" Kriti asked with a smirk.
I glared at her.

"And a... A friend." I looked towards the door not looking into their eyes.

The door opened and Dhiraj entered along with jiju. Dhruv was not with them.. I gave them a questioning look.

"When we reached the exit he had already gone somewhere...." He said.

Oh god... Please take care of him. 🙏🙏

"Dhriti don't worry... you take a rest.  We will see what we can do to stop him...."  Swati dii said patting my head.

I nodded and closed my eyes mentally praying for the well being of Dhruv.



Dhruv came out of the hospital and drove in high speed raging like a bull.  He was angry and just wanted that bastard who caused pain to his Dhriti. He reached a cafe and came out of his car closing the door with a bang.

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