18. Broken her

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Dhriti's pov

I can feel him touching me. I can feel his hands on my body. I can feel spanks of leather belts on my mind.
I can hear their voices. I can see lust in their eyes.

"Strip you bitch... Strip now"
"Noo.. please leave me.. leave me"

I opened my eyes after some time my clothes were torn and blood was oozing from bruises all over my body.
Next day same happened.
I was not in my senses.

"You know Mansi I destroyed that fatso.. I did it... I got my revenge"

I screamed and woke up from my sleep. Another Nightmare.

I took glass full of water kept on side table and gulped it in a one go.
I was sweating badly...

It's gone.. it's gone...
I have gone through that phase.
I tried to relax myself but wasn't able to. I was feeling that touch on me again. I picked my phone to check time.

2:30 am
27 May 2019

The date made me realised it's the same day when I decided to come to Bangalore leaving everything behind.
My 4 years in this city.
It took me back to the day which broke last string in my heart.

My father slapping me and punching me. His tight hold on my hair. Above all his hatred filled words which made me numb.

"Bloody Attention seeker"

I laughed at the irony , the father who is supposed to be a daughter's first hero is one of my nightmares.

My breathe got heavier . I took sleeping pills and gobbled down 5 in a time. I know what effect these pills are doing to me but still I can't leave them. I can't sleep even for a single night without having them.

My doctor has warned me million times about their harmful effects but it has becomes my necessity.

I don't know when I slept under the effect of pills.


I woke up after feeling some touches on my body. I woke up tensed with heavy breathe and looked at my surroundings.

Today's date was going on in my mind bringing flashbacks of the past in the front of my eyes like a moving.
I started feeling creepy touch on my body. I checked the lock of my room. It was locked from inside.

Even being alone I had habit to lock my room before going to sleep.
I hurried to bathroom and locked it from inside.
I turned on the shower and stood under it without even removing my pj. I let water flow on my body to remove his touch from my body.
I removed my tee and look at bruises which were still there.

My eyes got teared up and I started rubbing my body harshly like a madwoman trying to remove his touch.

After few minutes I came out of bathroom and changed into new set of clothes. I was not in the condition to go office today. I messed my PA Stella about my leave and threw phone somewhere on the bed.

I looked at myself in the mirror. There stood a broken girl. There were tear stains on my face. My hair were messy and wet due to shower. There were dark circles under my eyes.

I took concealer and started covering my bruises. I looked at my reflection and then heard a voice:
'Attention seeker'

I threw concealer away and started sobbing..
"Noo I am not an attention seeker...
I am not "

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