24. Sharma's Party

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Dhruv's pov

I smirked looking at her shocked expression when she came to know that i am not any employee but CEO of a firm and also younger son of Sakshi Sharma.😏

She was looking so cute with her wide opened eyes and confused expression. My innocent angry bird.❤️
I just wanted to pinch her cheeks which were slightly red due to embarrassment.

I forwarded my hand for handshake
"Hey gorgeous lady... I am Dhruv Sharma, youngest child of Mrs. Sakshi & Mr.Rohan Sharma, CEO of SR Tech Ltd."

The amusement never left my face.
She was looking at me with her big-doe eyes... Innocence written over her face...She looked at my hand for few seconds then shook her hand with me a replied a little "Hii..."

Her touch sent a spark to my body.
I grinned and bowed a little
"It was nice to meet you my lady..."

Don't worry i didn't say "MY" loudly😉

Her cheeks turned more red...
She gave me a slight nod and looked at maa...

"Mam... I would.. ahh..
I would just come after some important work"
She stammered and ran towards her cabin.

I chuckled at her actions and turned in direction of maa...
She was looking at me with stern face.

Oh oh... I am in trouble now😶

I gulped and bowed down to touch her feet...
"Maa.. you back.. what a pleasant surprise ❤️
I have an urgent meeting now.. so i will catch up with you in evening..
Okay?? Byee..."

I turned towards exit but stopped after hearing her words
"Mr. Dhruv Sharma if you want to live in my home then dare you leave from here...."

I stopped in my tracks but didn't turn back... She herself come towards me
"I know you don't have any work..
So you better come to home along with me.."

I just nodded and followed her lead..
She went towards her car and i went towards mine...
I was about to sit in my car when her driver approached me.

I gave him a questioning look.
"Beta.. wo madam has ordered me to take your car home.."
He said with polite smile.

I looked towards maa's car with confused face.. She was sitting on driving seat and waiting for someone.
Maybe she wanted me to join her in her car 🤔🤔

I was still in my tracks when i saw her car zooming away followed by my car. I got shocked.
I heard a ping on my phone. It was message from maa.

"Since you are a poor man and only bread earner of your family.. You can't afford to use your own personal car.. Use public transport.
Dare you call anyone.. or else you know me better.."

I looked towards exit gate and saw our cars leaving me with my mouth wide open.

I walked towards exit and reached main road to get some auto or taxi.
I climbed into an auto and saw my surroundings.

"CEO of SR Tech Ltd, No. 1 young budding businessman of the country Mr Dhruv Sharma was seen travelling in an auto."
Wow what a breaking news.

I reached near our colony and paid auto-rickshaw driver. I walked towards my home..
The watchman opened the door and gave me smile.
I returned his gesture and entered home. I saw my whole family sitting and enjoying their self.

My sister Radhika saw me and shouted..."Dhruv what the hell have you done to yourself??"

I can understand his reaction... I would be looking like a drunk fellow with loosen tie, shirt tucked out and blazer in my hand and hell i was stinking too.😣

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