First collision

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When all boys arrived from basketball training in cafeteria, they saw worried Skye and Ella in front of them. Obviously there was something not good, but what's currently not good - nobody had a hint or idea.

Rocky: Is everything OK? You two seems to be worried?

Skye: The bullies reminded about themselfes. They smashed our lockers, luckily nothing damaged in there. I mean, in locker.

Rubble: Ok, we got it. And they after this went away right?

Ella: No, they told that they want to see... Chase.

Chase: Me?

Skye: Yeah.

Chase: I think I should go if they want.

Zuma: No dude! They will bully you to death. Not in straight sense.

Chase: But why they decided to do it it with me? Because I'm new in this school or what?

Marshall: Listen, we... we saw how you got nervous when our teacher asked about your parents.

Rubble: Bullies are thinking that you're can't live without them. And that's why they are teasing you with mommy tits and this nonsense.

Chase: Oh. But they don't know that this topic is very sensible to me.

Tracker: They wouldn't care amigo. They want to hurt you.

Just after these words, all bullies arrived to cafeteria and all students expect our friends hid behind everything they could.

Jack: Well, I got tired of waiting for our 'parent' boy.

Lazlo: So we decided to come here and teach you a lesson.

Freddy: That you useless, pathetic and weak!

Trevor: And can't live without your parents!

Peter: Ohh, come on guys! I bet he even doesn't have them! Solo boy!

That was too much to Chase who put his arms behind his head and sat on his knees as bad memories from his childhood were flooding his mind and suddenly he jumped and punched Peter in face and the bully fell on the floor. Chase then stood on him breathing heavily. Peter looked at him angrily. He didn't expect that he will hit him.

Chase: One... more... word... about... my... parents...

Peter (smirks): They feel about borning a boy like you.

Zuma (grabbed Chase): Stop dude! He wants to make you angry, so you will get in trouble. 

Chase (comes back in his mind): Y-y-yeah, thanks Zuma.

Skye: Are you OK?

Chase: Yeah I'm OK.

Lazlo: Look at him! Looks like we hurt him by his most sacred part (sassy tone).

Tracker: He's already mentally damaged, and you want to get him sacrifised?

Rocky: Tracker!!!

Freddy: Thanks for the advice, amigo! (laughs)

Chase: I want to disappear from this place.

Ella: Come on guys. Let's go for a walk.

They exited the cafeteria and walked outside the school.

Chapter is done!! Hope you will like it! No dedications, sorry. See you soon and stay safe ))))

Talented but mentally damaged | Chase x SkyeWhere stories live. Discover now