A nervous introduction

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The trio continued running to their class. Each second was in count but luckily for them, they were in time. Finally they arrived to classroom number 381.

Skye: Here we are!

Everest: This is our classroom. All lessons we are usually studying here.

Chase: Ok. Let's enter the class.

Everest: You know, that you need to introduce yourself?

Chase: Yeah I know.

Skye: Ok.

The trio entered the classroom and got greeted by class teacher.

C.Teacher: Oh, Skye and Everest. Good morning! And who's that boy with you?

Everest: It's Chase. He's a new boy in our class.

Chase: Good morning missis erm...

Mrs.Walker: Walker. Well, sit down girls. Now Chase introduce yourself.

Chase saw the whole class. As he knew, in his class were 28 students and he was new 29th. He got slightly nervous but started to tell about himself.

Chase (quiet nervous): My name is Chase Marks. I born in Chikago, Illinois state. I'm 17 years old and like to helping people, dancing, singing, playing football, basketball. I have many awards in multiple competitions.

Skye (thoughts): Wooow!! That's the boyfriend for which girl can dream! Hope I'll be first and only to be asked out. 

Mrs.Walker: Grear introducing Chase. And what about your parents?

At this point Chase got mega-nervous. It was clearly seen by his classmates who were quite interested. But one gang of boys started giggling and whispering: "Can't live without a mommy and daddy."

Mrs.Walker: Are you alright?

Chase (turns to her): Look. It's very personal to me. I don't want to talk about it.

Mrs.Walker: Ok. Let's talk after this lesson. I'll get you to our head teacher. He will also help you.

Chase: Thank you.

Mrs.Walker: Ok. Sit down please. There's an empty seat where's Marshall sitting with Rocky.

Chase: On the left?

Mrs.Walker: Yes.

Chase: Thanks.

He went to his seat and sat down. Skye saw his nervous face and started talking with Everest.

Skye: That's strange. Each new student should tell about his parents.

Everest: You heard, that is something personal for him.

Skye: You think it can be painful?

Everest: I guess so. Tell Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble and Tracker. that we need to keep an eye on him.

Skye: Ok. Let's talk after the lesson.

They opened their notebooks and started writing the topic of the lesson.

Chapter done! Aaand it's kinda short! Hope you will like it. See you soon and stay safe ))))

Talented but mentally damaged | Chase x SkyeWhere stories live. Discover now