Between life and death

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It was a late night of Christmas Eve, everyone were sleeping, waiting for Santa and presents. Chase was also sleeping, feeling happy that he finally found new friends and even a girlfriend. Everything seemed to be peaceful, but someone didn't think so. Chases bullies who wished him death decided not to delay their wishes and met not too far from Chases house. They brought torches and molotovs as Lamar planned to burn Chases house. Bullies also found a pefrect timing when everybody will sleep and won't notice the fire. So when everything got settled they went quietly to Chases house.

Freddy: Remember. Surround the house, so we can cause more damage.

Jack: We got it.

15 minutes later they arrived at Chases house, on which garlands were still on and made bullies grin in satisfaction. Then Peter motioned to surround the house and wait for Freddys signal to fire Chases house. 40 seconds later, all bullies were ready and lighted up their torches and molotovs.

Freddy (quietly): Go!! See you in hell Chase!! (laughs quietly)

Bullies threw torches and molotovs all together in garlands making it burn and also the house. Then bullies ran away as house started burning. Meanwhile Chase woke up because of smoke and saw a light outside which was getting brighter and brighter. He looked from window to see that his house was burning. He quickly got up and started to pack everything which was important to him. Because of garlands and multiple places where fire has started, fire was spreading through the house very quickly, cutting the time for Chase to save himself. He started coughing because of toxic smoke and realized that he won't save anything in the house. He grabbed the blanket, phone and some clothes and escaped the house through main door, earning some burns on his skin, because of wearing pajamas. He ran for 10 seconds and fell down on snow and then turned around to see his house completely on fire. 

Dispatch: Good night sir, you called to 911, how can we help you?

Chase: My house is on fire. Come to address: Adventure Bay, Grover st, 5137.

Dispatch: Copy that. Firefighters are on the way!

15 minutes later the house was almost burned down as firefighters appeared and started taking off the fire. Chase looked at them, then at houses of his friends. He felt that he was freezing so he went to nearest house, which was Skyes. 5 minutes later when he arrived, he saw that lights in house were on, then he knocked on door which was opened by Skyes father.

Mr.Skye: Chase? What are you doing (yawns) here?

Chase (shivering): My house. It got burned, looks like bullies tried to kill me by burning my house! I...

Mr.Skye: Oh Gosh! You're freezing! Did save something before fire went completely uncontrollable?

Chase (shivering): Just blanket to stay warm, some clothes and phone.

Mr.Skye: Jesus Christ! Thank God that you're alive! Come in, come on.

Chase entered the house as he saw Skye and her mom coming downstairs.

Mr.Skye: Stay here. I'll prepare you some hot cocoa.

Chase (shivering): I'll sit on couch.

Mr.Skye: Ok.

Mr.Skye went to the kitchen as his wife went to talk with him and Skye went to talk with Chase.

Skye: What happened?

Chase (shivering): Bullies. They tried to kill me by house fire.

Skye: Shoot! Are you OK?

Chase: Yeah, just some burns. I saved some clothes, blanket and phone.

Skye (hugs him): I'm just glad that you're alive.

Just then Mr.Skye brought cup with cocoa.

Mr.Skye: Drink. You need to warm up.

Chase drank cocoa in one moment, he was really cold despite being on street wearing pajamas for only 5 minutes.

Chase: Thank you. But things will get worse. This house is owned by man for who I'm working. If he finds out that his house is burned, I'll work for recovering the house.

Mrs.Skye: Which means, you will work and repair his house right?

Chase (whimpering): Exactly! And repair will be done by my cash!

Mr.Skye: That's an injustice! It's an expluatation!!

Mrs.Skye: Calm down honey!

Mr.Skye: How I can stay calm when Skyes boyfriend has nowhere to live!

Chase: I can stay here for one night and try to...

Mrs.Skye: No! You will live with us, untill your house will get repaired.

Skye: My mom's right Chase. You should sleep somewhere but not on street.

Chase: Ok, but... I fell a little bit uncomfortable to visit your house at first after I escaped the fire.

Mr.Skye: It's OK kid. By the way did you call 911?

Chase: Yeah, the fire had localized already I think.

Mr.Skye: Alright (yawns). Let's go to sleep. Chase, you will sleep on couch, or you can sleep with Skye in her room.

Skye (blushes): Dad!

Mr.Skye (laughs a little): Just kidding. Well, good night.

Skyes parents went to sleep as Skase stayed in living room and Chase layed on coach, covering himself in blanket.

Skye: I'll stay with you, so you can sleep calmly. 

Chase: Thank you. I... really need support now.

Skye: I'm always here for you, no matter what (kisses his forehead).

Chase and Skye fell asleep on coach as Skye was holding Chases hand not wanting to let go.

Chapter done! Hope you will like it! Dedication goes to STP_Playz. Thanks for comments in my book, appreciate it! See you soon and stay safe )))))

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