Surprise in bad meaning

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4 days later after house party

Chase woke up in mega good mood, because today was graduation day: the school was almost over and he'll celebrate it with his friends after ceremony in school. When he had a little rest after active night, he also found a good moment to earn some money for costume. Mrs.Walker told them, that homecoming dance will also arrive after graduation ceremony, so Chase made sure that he'll arrive in style. He bought a fancy costume with blue bow-tie and blue gloves, just for style. With good thoughts Chase took shower and made pancakes for breakfast, but something was bothering him, so he decided to message the gang.

(conversation start)

Chase: Guys, when the graduation ceremony will start?

Everest: 4:30 p.m!

Chase: Thanks. Kinda forgot. I was in thoughts to go to school actuall LOL

Everest: XD. Well cya!

Chase: Bye!

(coversation end)

Chase sighed in relief: one problem less. As he finished breakfast while watching Netflix, a doorbell sounded, which made him confused, because he wasn't waiting for anyone. He went to the door to check on visitor and it was Skye. Being quite surprised, Chase still opened the door as Skye came in.

Chase: Hey there! Didn't expect to arrive that early.

Skye: Hey, listen, I need you to answer one question. It's really important.

Chase: Ehh, don't call me rude, but what was the matter not to call me?

Skye (giggles): I'm your girlfriend and I can ask you quiestion in every manner.

Chase: (raises an eyebrow).

Skye: Just kidding. Anyway, will you be my... homecoming partner?

Chase: Sure!

Skye: Great. In case of question why I asked-

Chase: In school you need to find your partner. It's easy to guess.

Skye (giggles and smiles): And that's why I love you (hugs him). See ya at ceremony!

Chase: Bye!

Chase close the door after her and looked at new electronic clock which was showing: 10:48 a.m. He smiled and went to wash dishes, then he went to living room to watch TV.

6 hours later 

Many students were sitting on chairs in school garden as principal Ryder was calling them to give graduation diploma. The gang also achieved their diplomas, but with special achievements in different categories: Zuma, Marshall and Rubble achieved sport achievemnt, Tracker was successful in English, because he was barely understanding it at start of this year, Rocky and Everest got success in biology, Ella and Skye were successful in math and Chase got the most special award: "The most successful underdog". As Chase was coming to take his diploma all students were cheering for them and luckily, bullies were still in prison. He arrived to principal Ryder, who gave him his award and shaked his hand.

Ryder: Well, you had mega messy start of year to yourself, had big problems no doubt, and now you're a popular school student and a teenager who has everything for good future life. Care to say something for everyone?

Chase (looks at students): Well, yeah, hehe! (takes a deep breath) A mega thank you, that you... despite humiliating me at start, heard my real reason of mine problems and really helped me. I also want to say thanks to Marshall, Everest, Zuma, Tracker, Rubble, Rocky, Ella and especially Skye! Without them, I'd never have all things which I have right now.

Talented but mentally damaged | Chase x SkyeWhere stories live. Discover now