Chapter 6: Suffocation and Guilt

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Ryujin's eighth mistake goes like this.

It starts with Lia chasing after Ryujin into her room after Yeji leaves. Lia barely manages to stop the door from slamming into her. Ryujin's never gotten this angry before.

"Ryujin, god damn it—"

"Get out, Lia."

"Why are you mad at me?"


"Why are you angry at me?"

"Why am I angry at you?" Ryujin scoffs, "You're seriously asking me that?"

Lia watches as Ryujin chuckles lowly, "Fuck, Lia, I just found out that you were a liar and now this?"

"Ryujin, wha—"

Lia gets cut off by Ryujin's chuckling, "I know you think I'm an idiot, Lia, but you're just an asshole at this point."

"What are you even talking about?" Lia asks, hurt burning into anger as Ryujin stares at her.

"You—" Ryujin scoffs, "You like Yeji too don't you?"

Lia's fiery glare melts into confusion, "What?"

And suddenly it clicks.

"Y-You think I like Yeji?" Lia sputters, frown slowly disappearing as the situation finally makes sense.

"Why else would you do that to me?" Ryujin questions, and Lia would take her seriously if Lia hadn't realized the ridiculousness of the entire situation.

"I don't like Yeji, you idiot," Lia snorts, and Ryujin recoils, clearly confused when she sees Lia's tears falling.

"I like you."

Ryujin visibly stills, limbs frozen as she processes Lia's confession.

Lia helps her along, walking towards her and easing the frown on Ryujin's face by gently rubbing her thumb over the creases, hand cupping Ryujin's cheek tenderly. Lia is crying, probably looking absolutely foolish in Ryujin's eyes as she smiles, rubbing Ryujin's cheek gently. Ryujin's hand comes up to gently rest on her forearm, and Lia nods, breath hitching as she whispers:

"I like you, Ryujin."

(Ryujin's eighth mistake is not liking her back.)


Things return to normal just the next morning– Lia doesn't like having their friendship on this rocky boat.

Yeji isn't any less touchy, though Ryujin is uncomfortably looking over at Lia every time Yeji pounces onto her.

When Ryujin confronts her about Lia's possible jealousy, Lia laughs, "You're too considerate for your own good, Ryu."

And as Yeji calls for them from the living room, Lia says:

"I'm happy if you're happy."

(It's your job to make sure I'm happy, isn't it?)


It was a dare– her nth blunder in her life.

It's cliché, and an incredibly typical mistake. It's foolish, but Ryujin thinks it's the best one yet.

It's a regular day, and they were somehow invited to hang out at Heejin's. Ryujin brings Yeji and Lia as her plus two (Ryujin's not sure if that's even a thing, but they end up there anyway).

They're a little too sober, and Lia's getting along well with people there.

Truth or Dare had started all too suddenly and Hyunjin, Heejin's girlfriend, leaves in the middle of it, family dinner, apparently.  So they're left with the 6 of them, including Yuna who Heejin introduced her as her long lost sibling, and they had belatedly discovered that Yuna actually isn't Heejin's sister and is actually a new addition to the soccer team that Heejin is particularly fond of.

It was a blur of Ryujin barely being able to speak as they decide that Ryujin's chosen truth too many times and had set Ryujin on a default dare streak after her truth streak. Yuna is an advocate of Yeji and Ryujin as a couple, despite having only met Yeji and Ryujin just over three hours before Truth or Dare even started.

Lia has had to eat two packs of ramyeon for a dare– Yuna doesn't understand why until Lia starts grumbling about the amount of preservatives that a pack contains.

("Have you seen the amount of preservatives in this one pack?" Lia complains as Ryujin and Yeji grin cheekily, having been the ones to suggest the dare.

Lia glares at them when they start laughing, and snarls, "You two are going running with me this week.")

So, naturally, Yuna dares Ryujin to kiss Yeji. She complies.

Yeji is fiery.

Her touch burns, it feels as if her fingers are leaving scars on the skin of Ryujin's cheek as she cups the latter's face. Yeji's smile is cheeky, bordering on a smirk, but her eyes are half-lidded, sparkling as she looks down at Ryujin through long lashes. Ryujin's fist clenches as she sees Yeji's lips parting, and she feels Yeji pulling her closer, feels Yeji pressing down onto the couch for support as she leans forward.

Ryujin's breath hitches as Yeji's lips meet hers, and she tastes Yeji's lip balm– cherry, but it tastes different from when Ryujin tastes it on her own lips. Yeji's sitting on her thigh now, and Yeji's thighs are cold against Ryujin's.

The older girl continues leaning forward and Ryujin has her back pressed against the armrest now. Her hand comes up to clench at Yeji's shirt.

Yeji's kiss is suffocating.

Ryujin's throat closes in, slowly constricting her breathing as Yeji's lips begin to move against her own.

Ryujin can't breathe.

She can't breathe as Yeji swipes her tongue over Ryujin's bottom lip. She can't breathe as Yeji slips her tongue into Ryujin's mouth. She can't breathe as Yeji pulls away and nibbles on Ryujin's upper lip. She can't breathe as Yeji takes Ryujin's bottom lip between her teeth and pulls.

She can't breathe and her lungs are struggling and— the warmth is gone. Ryujin pants and her lungs are burning and she wants to curse her body for never listening to her. Her eyes open and she sees that she's pushed Yeji away slightly. Yeji has a stupid, smug smile on her face as she swipes her tongue over her lips, not even bothering to move from Ryujin's thigh.

And fuck, Ryujin's in love with the girl. She's in love with the girl and she wants to tell her. She wants to kiss Yeji's smug smile off her lips, even if it's potentially fatal.

She loves Yeji.

She loves Yeji, but Yeji is in love with Lee Chaeryeong and Ryujin doesn't want to hurt Yeji.

She doesn't want to hurt Lia, who would carve her heart out of her chest for Ryujin.

She doesn't want to hurt Lia who is in love with Ryujin.

And Ryujin wants to curse the heavens– clenched fists and middle fingers to the sky– because she's in love with Yeji. She, whose touch makes her feel the reverse burn of water entering her lungs, skating fingers pressing into tender skin. Her fleeting, careless words that leave confusion in it's wake, a jumble of maybes and what if?s in Ryujin's grasp because Yeji says it in a way that feels like everything, but probably means nothing.

("You think Yeji actually meant it when she said that she loves me the most that day?" Ryujin had asked, just three weeks before Yeji's declaration of love happened.

Lia had given her a passing look that Ryujin didn't catch– one that said "no, when are you going to realize that?"– and a smile that Ryujin did catch, "Maybe."

"Really?" Ryujin had asked in false hope, eyes bright and shiny. Ryujin understands why Lia had replied with what she said to her right after, with a smile that convinced the all-too-oblivious Ryujin– she's in love with Ryujin the same way Ryujin's in love with Yeji, after all, and she didn't want to hurt Ryujin, but didn't want to lie to her.

Lia nodded, "Probably. You'll never know for sure– you know how Yeji is."

'You know how Yeji is'— a popular response, Ryujin  realizes now.

But Ryujin before had been satisfied with the response, had given Lia a bright smile with her teeth on perfect display.

Ryujin wonders if Lia felt the same pain she feels when Yeji does the same thing to her.)

mistakes, i can't help it | jinliaWhere stories live. Discover now