8 (fluff)

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I said I'm running out of cover images. I mean, I have 486 pictures of Shoto, but I can't find them all.


|| your POV ||

"Will you marry me?" Shoto asked.

I stood there, blank. Tears were welling up in my eyes, and I couldn't say a word.

"Y/N, I understand if this is too forward you don't have to-"

"Yes!" I said, crying. "Yes, Shoto." I pulled him into a tight hug, still crying, but smiling.

"Sho, I am no longer Y/N L/N. I am Y/N Todoroki."
"Y/N Todoroki. My wonderful fiancé."

"Woo! You go guys!" (B/F/N) said, happily.

I felt happy. Like I was finally part of the Todoroki family.
Which now, I am.

Instead of hanging out like we planned, we still did, but the three of us just sat at a table, got some food, and caught up.

"I know I've said this probably 25,000 times, but I'm gonna say it again, I'm so glad for the two of you. Plus, Y/N, I think Y/N Todoroki sounds a lot better than Y/N L/N." (B/F/N) said.
"Yep." I said.

- a few hours later -

"See you soon (B/F/N)!"
"Bye Y/N! See you later, Shoto!"

Shoto and I went home. Very happily, and engaged.

"Hero Work" || Shoto Todoroki x Female Reader (Fluff, smut, and lemon)Where stories live. Discover now