9 (final)

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Author's note: Really, I have nothing to put as the cover image so I put my friend's orange Bakugou that she drew. Isn't he beautiful?
Anyways, time skip about a year or so. Age 26, 27?
Also, you and Shoto are married now, just keep that in mind <3
There might be a lot of POV switching, so just bare with me!


|| your POV ||
-year: current year, 2021-
I sat on the couch with Shoto, as we chose a movie of some sort to watch. It's been 2 years since he proposed to me, and we're finally married. I could never be happier.

"Hey, Sho!" I said, as I was looking through my pictures.

December 28, 2020 is what the date read. I looked back at Sho and I. That was our wedding day.

|| switching POV'S: third person POV ||

Y/N and Shoto looked back at their wedding pictures happily, and thought of all the times before that magical day. Whether it was bad or good, they always remarked on moments.

"Y/N, I'm so happy to have you with me." Shoto said.
"I feel the same about you, Sho," Y/N said as she cuddled into him.

|| shoto's POV ||

Y/N cuddled into me, specifically the left side of me. I slightly smiled at her, thinking of when we first met.

|| flashbacks: shoto's perspective ||

It was the first day of school, and I frantically worried that people would question me about my hair, or something like that. I went into class and sat down, and was greeted by friendly faces.

What did they want to do with me?
Why were they smiling at me?

I kept on wondering, until she walked in.
She walked in with that beautiful smile that could stretch a mile, and walked in like she's been there for years.

Who was she?
I need to know her.
I can't reach out, I'll get too flustered, or something like that.

She sat in front of me, and I saw her long, H/C hair. It was just as pretty as her smile.
I kinda just looked down, until I heard a voice.

"Hi there!" The H/C girl said to me
'She's that girl! With the smile!' I thought.
"Oh, uh, hello there." I said in response.
"What's your name? I'm Y/N L/N!" She said with a happy tone.
"Shoto Todoroki."
"Wow! You're Endeavor's son? That's so cool."
"Yeah, but I don't really take note of it."
"Understandable. It must be complicated being the son of a pro hero, paparazzi and all that."
"Well, I don't really have attention drawn to me. It's mostly my father that gets the attention, which is fine by me."

Just then, our teacher walked in.
I could tell me and L/N were going to be amazing friends.

|| time skip - lunch - your POV ||

"Jirou-San, I feel like we're basically friends!" I said to my new friend, Kyouka Jirou.
"L/N-chan, I think so too! Why don't you go see if you can sit with him?" She said.
"Smart idea. I'll go do that. Thanks Jirou-San!" I walked over to Todoroki and stood there.
"Hey, Todoroki-kun?"
"Yeah, L/N-chan?"
"Can I sit here?"
"Of course."

I sat down next to him, as I could feel pink dusting my face.

'I don't like him, we're just friends.' I thought. 'Nothing but friends. Besides, he wouldn't like me.'

"L/N-chan, you ok?" Todoroki asked me.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Also, you can just call me Y/N." I said back.
"Ok, Y/N, got it."

I felt something, like some happy feeling, that I didn't feel with Jirou-San. I mean, we're friends and I feel happy around her, but I just have a different feeling around Todoroki.
It was like a feeling of security.
I felt extra safe around him. Knowing his Quirk as well, I felt more safe than ever.

Before I knew it, lunch was over and we were back to class.

|| present: your POV ||

"Hey, Sho?" I said
"Yes, Y/N?"
"I love you."
"Love you too."


Author's note: There will be one more chapter, but that will be for ideas! Thank you so much for reading!

&quot;Hero Work&quot; || Shoto Todoroki x Female Reader (Fluff, smut, and lemon)Where stories live. Discover now