Chapter 7

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(Pic of Brooklyn Hobbs at the top!!)

Aaron's P.O.V
I woke up to soft sobbing coming from Mia's room, I roll out of bed and go to see what's wrong. "what's the matter baby girl?" I ask in a groggy voice. I walk over to her bed side and lift her up in my arms, then rub her back, "d-daddy!" She holds on for dear life and doesn't let go for a second. I get a tingly feeling inside when she called me that, it warmed my heart. "did you have a bad dream?" She nods her head, I thumb away the tears flowing into her heated cheeks. "well tell me want happened." I sit down on the bed placing Mia next to me. I-I dweam'd, y-you take'd m-m-me back t-to mws,Anna, s-she hit m-me den k-kick'd me, said w-weally mean t-tings. She explains her face getting red and heated agian. "baby, no don't ever think that we will never bring you back there, your here with us forever." I reassure her. "now, wipe away the tears and lets go wake up the other boys, we're going on the big plane today!" At the mention of the word plane her face lit up, she quickly wiped away her now dried up tears. I chuckle at her actions. I stand up and go over to her closet, and pick out her outfit of the day. black leggings, a baggy sweater, and pink vans. I bring the outfit over to her, "this ok?" She nods not really paying attention to what I was saying. I strip her out of her pjs, then into her clothes. "now go wake up the other boys." I tell her while leading her to the door, She happily runs out of the room.
Nash's P.O.V
I'm all comfy, sleeping in my bed, when something falls on me, it feels like a 50 lbs brink fell on me. I pop my eyes open and come face to face with a giggling Mia "oh, now your going to get it!" I warn, tickling her sides. She screams, jumps off the bed and runs towards the stairs. I jump out of bed and follow her. she slid down the stairs on her stomach as fast as she could. I wait till she got to the bottom then ran down. she screams again "the tickle monster is coming to get you!" I yell making a monster face. She jumps on the couch and try's to hide herself with a pillow. I stomp over to her grabbing her by her sides earning a loud scream from Mia! The boys scramble down the stairs with angry faces. I stop tickling Mia and look at the clock it's 6:30am "oh come on guys it's time to get up anyways, we leave this morning remember." they all grunt and slump back up to there rooms. I roll my eyes and sit down next to Mia who somehow managed to turn on the tv and switch the channel to her favourite show. I watch her giggling along with the dancing characters on the screen. I then go get dressed.
Charlie's P.O.V
"Get your god damn ass out of this bed right now!" Rachel screams in my ear. "No." I protest "come on Charlie we have to leave for the airport now, the boys are in the living room waiting for us. "I doubt that." "you want me to prove it to you?" I nod. then she leaves the room and couple seconds later she's back with all the boys trailing behind her. "Enough proof?" I nod "now, just get out of my room." I scoff shooing them out. I touch my feet onto hotel room floor and they almost catch on fire from the sun shining in the window. I stand up, go get a shower and get dressed in, black ripped skinny jeans, a black tank top, a red plaid shirt around my waist and black vans. I straiten my hair and shove on a dark red beanie.
I walk into the kitchen where everyone is and grab a pop tart from the cabinet, I gobble it down and wash my mouth out with milk after. I see that Hayes is holding Mia who is looking around "hey Hayes can I take her till we're ready to go?" "Yeah sure" he hands her off to me, I place her on my hip and go out to the living room making baby sounds to Mia on the way, Brooklyn is sitting on the far side of the couch curled up in a ball looking at the bright screen of her iPhone 6 plus. (man how I want that phone!!😭😡) "hey Brooke you ok?" She looks up at me startled, instantly locking her phone and pushing it into her pocket "yeah yeah I'm fine." she says smiling. I nod and sit down, I place Mia on my knee and began bouncing her up and down she giggles with glee. Brooklyn quietly inches over next to me and grabs Mia throwing her up in the air earning historical laughter from her, also making her baggy hoodie sleeves fall down off her arms exposing her skin, I thought I caught a glimpse of red scratches on her arm before she pulls them back down, but I guess I was just seeing things. I wipe the thought out of my mind and go back to playing with Mia and Brooklyn.
Matt's P.O.V
"Hey, bro do you think we should leave now?" I ask Aaron who is talking to one if the twins, "yeah we should, our plane leaves soon." "hey everyone, were going to leave now so the girls you go put your bags in the van and hop in, were going to be right behind you." Aaron yells to make sure everyone hears. everyone heads towards the door.
Aaron's P.O.V
"Hey Aaron, do you want me to give her back to you now that we're leaving?" Charlie walks over to me with Mia attached to her hip. "Um, no you can take her and put her in her car seat if you want, I can take your bags." "Ok and thanks." she smiles and runs off Mia bobbing up and down with the movements. I grab Charlie's bags and see that Brooklyn is sitting on the couch. "Ey Brooklyn everyone's Leaving, you coming?" She looks up at me, "yeah I'm comin'." she stands up shoves her phone in her pocket and walks out the door.
Everyone's in the van, Mia's buckled in, almost asleep already and we are off on the 15 minute drive to the airport.
It's 6:55am when we arrive at the airport, we have 5 minutes till out plane leaves. "come on guys we gotta hurry." I shoo everyone out of the car, I have to wake up poor Mia, Johnson takes her out and cradles her like a baby as we all walk into the airport. we check our bags in and get to our gate just in time, Johnson wanted Mia to sit with him and Gilinsky, since she was already asleep in his arms. I take my seat next to carter and in a few minutes we are up in the air. only a couple hours till we land in new york. The first day of MagCon New York starts tomorrow, I can't wait!
Hey guy's, sorry it took so long for me to update, but at least I got it done! I don't know how many more chapters there will be before I finish this book, there might be 20 but I'm not sure yet, so yeah!!
After I'm done this book I might start a imagine book but I'm not sur, tell me what you think, should I do another fanfic or start a imagine book? By the way request will be open, so if I do, do a imagine book, comment or message me your name, a picture of what you want to look like, what boy and a theme!!
Have a great day cupcakes!!❤️😘

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