aLl MiGhT aNd A cAuSe FoR cElEbRaTiOn!

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~Izuku's Pov.~

"Eijiiiiii!" I whined rolling him off the bed as he wouldn't wake up and I was desperate for attention.

"Ugh!" He grunted as his body hit the floor, looking in my direction now awake, he pulled the bed covers, which just so happened to pull me down on top of him, making ourselves a mess on the floor.

Chuckling, I stood up pulling him with me, going into the bathroom getting changed into my normal clothes, leaving to see the sight of him in school clothes.

"Where your uniform?" He asked, I just shrugged, wrapping my arms around his waist, him putting his around my neck. "Tell me..." he whispered to me, forcing me to make eye contact with him.

"I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling, like something will happen if I go." I told him, getting a nod from him in return as he knows I'm usually right about this type of thing. "How about, me, you and Mina ditch and go into town?" I just nodded, pulling him into a kiss and leaving the room for him to change again while I called Mina.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION!" Mina and I said in unison. I heard a squeal behind us as Eijiro muttered 'cute' into his hand. I brushed it off, taking Mina's hand and running over to our favourite game in the arcade.

After I met Mina, she taught me how to dance and we started taking classes together and we love to compete with it because we love it so much.

Immediately we set it to the fastest song, it's the only one we haven't got a 100% on and today would be the day. We readied our selfs, nodding to one another.





And like that we were moving completely in sinc, hitting all of the steps, not missing a beat, smiling insanely wide. Making a crowd form around us, discreetly putting our hoods of our jumpers up, to not draw too much attention to ourselves.

Once it finished we waited for the results...

"WE DREW?!?!" We screamed, before high-fiving each other, realising we got perfect scores, making us all chuckle, not knowing Eijiro had recorded it all and posted it on Instagram.

We finally started heading back, to my house, when Mina and Eijiro said they needed to make a quick stop and for me to wait here, which I did although reluctantly.

A few minutes after they left, I heard a massive explosion and ran in that direction, wanting to check out the heroes, only to find them all occupied. Putting out fires, removing citizens from the endangered area, while some were just complaining about not having the quirks.

I looked towards what was causing the destruction and saw a terrifying sight. "K-Kacchan?" I whispered to myself. He was being held hostage by a slime like villain that was cutting off his oxygen and making his quirk go out of control.

Before I knew it, my feet were moving on their own, pass the water barrier and escaping the grasp of heroes that tried to stop me, charging directly at the villain and my bully.

Why am I moving? I can't stop. What do I do? He's liquid? Wait! His eyes and teeth are solid.

I quickly started doing a handspring, making sure to stomp my right foot as I jumped of, pulling a dagger out the back, stabbing into the eye of the villain, scraping out it, hearing a wretched scream, that released Kacchan top body, landing, I quickly took Kacchans hand and with brute force, pulled the rest of him out.

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