Uncle?! And T h A t S g A y !

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~Izuku's Pov.~

I woke up on Eijiro's very familiar floor in my dark green sleeping bag, I grumbled before rolling over and trying to go back to sleep.

However, I quickly felt something push against my legs, hearing a loud crash after that. I quickly sat up to realise my favourite ravenette had tripped over me and face planted the floor.

All tiredness quickly left me as I burst out laughing at my best friends misfortune, him soon joining in aswell.

"G-get up pfft- we have training in.." Eijiro said in between laughs before picking up his phone to check the time. "...40 MINUTES!" He quickly yelled, realising how late we were going to be if we didn't hurry up.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and got dressed in there while Eijiro changed in his room, I began brushing my teeth and soon he came in and brushed his teeth with me.

Once we had finished, we grabbed our work out bags, and sprinted out the house, making a quick detour to his families cafe to pick up a quick smoothie and cinnamon bun, and eating it on the way to the gym.

"We are soo late!" Kirishima sighed in distress as we opened the door to be met face to face with nothing.

"Huh, seems like we are not the only ones who were late." I cheered, high giving Eijiro as we both let out a sigh of relief, only for our hope to be destroyed as we felt my dad grab the backs of our shirts saying mischievously "Think again."

Before we knew it we were already in the main training area, with dad scolding us on being tarty and saying now we had to go through extra training.

Kiri and I stole a quick glance at each other before nodding and getting to work.

We began with our stretches to help prevent injury's and then started on the treadmills, I was working more with speed, while he was working more with strength. Therefore I put it at higher speed and added the uphill setting, while he just used the normal.

Afterwards we went on the rowing machine helps improve leg work and upper body, but mainly legs. I performed better at this one but we weren't really competing.

We held a steady conversation throughout all of our heavy breathing and he started talking about his other friend Mina.

"When can I meet her?" I asked, side glancing him before focusing back on the work out.

"It's just- I don't know how she will react to you know..." he struggled to try and explain himself.

"My quirklessness?" I asked, already dreading how she would react when I inevitably end up meeting her, wether by accident or on purpose. Eijiro and my Dad were the only ones who didn't care about it so far.

"Yeah." He sighed, removing him self off the machine as are time on that work out was over. I quickly got up and followed him over to the next equipment, battle ropes.

"Well we won't know how she will react until I meet her." I mention as we picked up the equipment, he quickly gave we a warm smile and we began to use the noisy ropes.

This was more arms related, so kiri managed to go faster in this one while I took my time and tried to do as best as I could.

Once finished, my dad could tell that me and Eijiro were both a little tired now, even though we had only been at it for just over 2hours.

"Izuku, I wanted to start you out on more fighting techniques now, and Eijiro I wanted to help you improve your quirk." My dad told us. We had only started training together about 3 months ago, but I could tell we had both improved a lot.

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