Trwaining andw cwookwies.

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A/N: Oof, I ended in a cliff hanger.

Also top is kind of what I'm going for with how Izuku looks but with more freckles. I know it's terrible, it was my editing to change the eye and hair.

~Kirishima's Pov.~

Hey, I'm Eijiro Kirishima. I'm 12 years old and in my first year of Junior high. Everyone in my schools see's me as an outcast, I don't really fit in here.

Honestly, they are right. Everyone has these relatively powerful quirks while mine is weak in comparison. It doesn't help that it also seems dangerous as when it first activated I harmed myself, giving myself this ugly scar just underneath my eye-brow.

People distance themselves from me and eventually started saying impolite comments every-now and again.

You probably want more of an explanation though, so here it is...

~3rd Person Pov.~
~10 Years ago.~

Little Kirishima and his parents were playing on the floor with a plastic toy car, racing one another, giggling and smiling towards each other, enjoying their family bonding.

The young black haired male reached up to wipe a tear from his eye, a result from laughing to hard after his dad pushed over his mother's toy car, winning the race.

But as he did, he felt a sharp sting right above his eye, he began to cry as he felt a warm liquid running down his eye lid onto his tear streamed cheeks.

His parents gasped before his mother ran out of the room, most likely to get a medical kit as his father took his hand in his, showing the lightly hardened skin on the poor toddlers hand.

His quirk was just like his mother's, a weak hardening quirk.

His mother had never tried to improve her quirk and train it, it was seemingly weak and useless, so she never used it.

Once his mother had arrived back she quickly disinfected it and plastered it up, it would probably need stitches but that can wait until they got to the hospital. She kissed the tears on his cheeks away and his father lifted him up, quickly taking them towards the car, buckling the boy in his buster seat before the parents got in themselves, taking the fastest route to the hospital.

Once arriving, the father helped the tearful boy to meet a doctor, allowing him to get stitched up and then get his quirk registered.

His quirk was only a weak hardening ability.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next day, when the teacher announced his new quirk to the class, the stared at him, not saying a word.

The normally cheerful boy who smiled a smile brighter than the sun was silent, looking down, not just physically but mentally as well, looking down on himself.

He wanted to be a hero, one to bring happiness into the lives of others but his quirk was his mother's, the same useless, weak hardening ability.

Class went on after that, nobody uttering a word in the red eyed boys direction, ignoring him, distancing themselves from him, Abandoning Him.

He was all alone.

~Present Day.~

A few years after they started distancing themselves from him they started name calling eventually full on bullying but he had met this lovely girl called Mina Ashido that got them to back off and they became best friends, taking him out of his shell a little.

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