First day and BakuBOTTOM!

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~Izuku's Pov.~

As soon as we reached the gates of our new school, which we would finally attend all together we split up.

I walked with Hitoshi and Mei, while Mina and Eijiro walked together. We decided that since we don't know the people in the school yet or what their personality or views are, we would keep Eijiro's and my relationship a secret, and keep our mismatch friend group out of the eye of the students for now.

I knew for sure that Kacchan was attending U.a and that he had scored second place in the entrance exams because him and his dad came to visit shortly after we found out the results of the exam but I wanted to make my presence to him as small as possible, not allowing him to get any information that he could bully me about or spread rumours about.

I had never mentioned Kacchan to my friends before, I saw it as a form of weakness, I became a completely different person around him, I became the quirkless, fearful crybaby and I didn't want them to see that side of me.

"Bye guys." I yelled down the hall waving my hand as the three of us split up going to our separated class rooms.

Once arriving at the door I took in how large the door was my first thought that came to mind being "Did the giant from Jack and the beanstalk attend here?"

I heard laughing come from behind me and was met with two girl just chuckling to themselves.

"Hi?" I asked, taking my hand away from the doorknob, deciding to introduce myself to them before entering the class room that I can only assume is in hell based on the yelling coming from the room.

"Hey, your that guy that saved me! Thank you again!" She yelled excitedly to me, heat rising to her cheeks. "Oh, I remember you. Uraraka right?" She nodded happily, motioning for the girl beside her to introduce herself.

"I'm Asui Tsuyu, Kero. Just call me Tsu." I smiled to her, offering my hand which she welcomingly took, "Midoriya Izuku." I gave her a large smile, before turning around, taking a large breath, finally pushing the humongous door open and walking in, the girls following behind me.

I soon as I entered, I saw the guy I insulted during the briefing scolding Kacchan, yayyy. Sense the sarcasm?

As soon as the robot guy recognised me, he immediately ran over to talk "You're the guy from before, I humbly apologise for acting so brash during the briefing, you are clearly superior to me and I would like to start over." He stretched his hand out towards me which I took, smiling at him.

"Iida Tenya, pleasure to meet you." He said firmly, pushing his glasses up slightly by the bridge. I introduced myself, immediately going to my designated seat behind Kacchan, knowing Uncle would be here soon and not wanting him to get angry.

I guess I was right because just a few seconds later I heard. "It took you all 7 seconds to quiet, that's not good enough for future heroes." His gruff voice said as he stood up, unzipping his sleeping bag, looking like the hobo he is.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota. Put these on and meet me out at the field. Iz-Midoriya stay behind a second." He said, passing them out. The last to leave was Mina, Eijiro and another guy. The first two high fiving the man before they left, the other guy staring at them inquisitively.

When it was just me left he finally spoke, "Since I already have your test results, I'm going to be using you as a demonstration. Are you okay with that?" He seemed like a cold, grumpy guy but honestly he was so caring.

I am lucky this hobo is my uncle, even if his sister is a fucking whore.

"Sure." I cheered happily, giving him a thumbs up and taking a uniform, running to get changed quickly. Once I got in the changing room, I made sure to change with my front always facing the locker as my engagement ring was around a necklace so I wouldn't lose it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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