Entrance Exam and a New Member!

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~Izuku's Pov.~

Today is the day of the entrance exam, and our group of four: Me, Eiji, Mina and Hito. Are ready to take on whatever challenge is ahead of us, however due to all of us, par Eiji and Mina going to different schools we were separated as soon as we entered the briefing room.

Unluckily, I was sat next to Kacchan who had just gotten worse and worse since the dubbed sludge incident.

However I'm kind of happy he doesn't know about Eiji or my friends because god knows what he would do, bully me for being gay, create rumours about how I 'forced' people to be my friends.

Uncle Mic started his long ass speech while using his quirk making all of us cringe, I feel sorry for people with hearing quirk, imagine the pain they would be in right now.

He explained what we were going to do, fight different robots for a set amount of points, sounds easy enough.

"And you with the white streak in your hair!" Some elite looking guy said pointing at me, waving his hands up and down, doing a bad impression of the robot dance.

"Stop mumbling its distracting to the other students who are trying to focus." He demanded, I took it as my chance to shine.

"Oh my god, it's one of the robots, somebody destroy it!" I stood up mocking his arm actions, I heard the room burst into fits of chuckles and bowed to the now embarrassed blue haired boy before sitting down, him doing the same.

I caught Kacchan shocked face beside me but paid it no mind.

"Well moving on that's a Zero pointer...."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After training with my family for a long time I had learned to never hesitate, so when the doors to the fake city opened I immediately took the chance, activating One for All full cowling and running into the city, destroying any robot I saw without hesitation. Knowing the others were probably doing the same.

When I was about to destroy a 3 pointer, a blonde haired boy tied taking it, making me smirk as I powered up to 13% taking it out before he could, laxer shooting right pass me. I looked back toward him... "Oops." I said sarcastically, shrugging my shoulders.

I jumped of about to go find more, if I'm right I'm up to 57 points, I need more. But before I could I felt the ground shake and if it wasn't for the balance control my uncle taught me, I do would have fell over.

I looked up to see a massive Zero pointer, towering over me and all the other students in our area.

I was about to leave and find some more robots away from this distraction but I froze as soo as I heard "H-help." No one else paid it any mind but, I looked around. The zero pointer was hovering over a girl stuck under debris, unable to move.

Just like with Kacchan, my feet moved before I had a chance to think, powering up my quirk to my limo of 15% I ran to the girl. "Can you move?" I asked, she shook her head. "My ankle hurts so much." I nodded back to her and looked toward the zero pointer that was trying make a grasp for us, I quickly hopped between the robots legs to the wall to the legs again, until I was all the way up to the shoulder of the robot.

I reached down into the secret pocket of my shoe, grabbing my emergency knife. I ran to the neck, ripping a hatch of and cutting all the wires, trying to make it stop moving.

Once it did, it fell back wards, luckily everyone had ran off and the girl was in front meaning she wouldn't get hurt.

I quickly jumped to the roof of the building as little part of it started to explode. Cautiously, I made my way down the side of the building, attempting to come out unscathed.

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