all might vs the devil

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*a few minutes into the past*

All might p.o.v

"I'm taking the class outside to train"

"You going to join us?" Ask Aizawa

"Yeah I'll be there shortly" I tell him

"Alright then" he says as he takes the class outside

I watch as the class leaves and for some reason mineta looks scared and terrified

Is it my face?

Oh well its probably nothing what could possibly go wrong.

The door closes and I instantly revert back into my skinny form

(He didnt retire in this au)

"Great now I can't last long in this form" I tell myself

I start thinking of possibilities

But then I notice something i
look outside the window and see a green ball energy heading towards the building.

"OH SH-"


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Nobody's p.o.v

A few minutes pass and all might finally wakes up

"I'm alive?" He ask

Somehow he managed to survive but they he managed to survive doesn't matter

As all might then gets up and looks around only to see a bunch of destruction everywhere

Where ua once stood now only remains a bunch of rubble everywhere.
"N-NO WAY" he yells

"WH-" All might then stops as he hear screams

"Wait....those screams!"
ALL MIGHT then transforms and heads towards the direction of the screams




All might p.o.v

"I knew you'd survive" he says

"Tch! Why?"
I ask him

"Why are you doing this" I ask him

Mineta p.o.v

mineta is BROLY!!!! (another dbz and mha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now