evil battle

554 7 11

*a few moments before mineta's ki got of control*

Location: random city nearby*

A bunch of people are walking down the streets

cars passing by and random heroes patrolling

But peace doesn't last long as a bunch of green balls of energy come out of nowhere and destroy everything

Disintegrating buildings instantly
As the ki blast cause a huge explosion to occur

Destroying half of the city
As a bunch of news reporters head towards the scene
And heroes that were nearby.

Back with mineta

Mineta turns around seemingly unfazed by the kick

"Its you again...I thought it would be all might" mineta says while looking at kirishima

Before Kirishima can respond mineta grabs his legs and slams him into Midoriya

"Still to weak!" He yells

All might p.o.v

I sit on the couch and check my phone to see if there's anything new

I scroll down my phone until a see a news report of a city being destroyed

"Wait its near where young Midoriya is!" I yell realizing this

"Everything good?" Aizawa ask as he walks in

"A villain attacked somewhere close to where the kids are" I response

"Lets go!"he responds almost instantly

Back with mineta

Mineta is about to kill Midoriya and kirishima with his fist until he feels water splash on him

"The hell?" He ask
He turns around and see mina shooting acid at him

"Whats that suppose to be? Water?"

she stops shooting acid and her face turns into one with fear

"N-NO WOjsnnpw" She struggles to form a sentence as she backs away from him

"WELL why start something you can't finish..." mineta says as he doesn't hesitate

He leaps into the air and lands on mina crushing her entire body with his massive legs

As one her horns covered with blood lands in front of kirishima and Midoriya

(They're on top of each other)

And one of her crushed up lungs and lands in front Uraraka

As blood is thrown everywhere from the impact with a huge portion of it getting all over mineta
Some getting on his face

"Weakling" he says to himself

As he proceeds to lick some of the blood of him

"Disgusting but I haven't drinked something in while....so it's better than nothing" He whispers to himself

"M-mina...." kirishima says

As he gets up and looks at mineta with horror in his eyes

Hes pissed extremely pissed but there's nothing he can do about it....
There's no point in fighting anymore

Mineta is...is a monster....no....hes the devil!

Mineta looks at mina's messed up body


As her entire insides are exposed and crushed

Uraraka quickly turns around and vomits

Back with allmight

All might uses he quirk to leap into air

As he and aizawa heads towards the city

"Were here!" Aizawa yells

They look around and see nothing but destruction
As flames engulf buildings

"Jesus could it be...."
I say to myself but aizawa interrupts

"No hes in jail remember"
He says

Before I can respond I see a another explosion occur near the mountain areas

"There!" I yell pointing at the directions of mountains


Back with mineta

Shoji screams in pain as he his body can't seem to handle such pain

"SHUT UP!" mineta yells

As he then throws a ki blast at shoji creating another explosion that sends everyone back

As the flames disintegrate mina,todoroki and kaminari's body

Leaving only a few bones

As the crater they were in slowly gets deeper and deeper
And the trees slowly decrease as more and more of them are destroyed

The massive flames soon disappear as most of class 1-a is down for the count while the others are somewhat injured

"Look mineta I'm not sure whats wrong but what your doing is wrong!" Iida yells

Mineta looks at Iida with a blank expression
But a creepy smile slowly from on mineta's face

"UH?!" Iida yells but before he knows it mineta is already in front of him

As Iida slowly looks up towards mineta making eye contact with him

"DIE!!" Mineta yells

As punches Lida across the face ripping his body in three peices

As he tops half is ripped front the bottom and his head is ripped from his hody!

His entire sliced up body does a 360 landing in different direction

Now more of his friend have fallen as the only thing Midoriya can do is watch

this is real torture!

"Your trail as the main character has expired!" Mineta yells as he slowly walks up towards Midoriya with kirishima only being a few inches away from him

Still shocked from the fact that mina is gone...

(Should I add a bio-broly...well that is if the heroes manage to win
Yes or no?)

(And yes I know its a short compared to the previous chapter....)

(I'll Make sure the next one 1,000 words and above)

mineta is BROLY!!!! (another dbz and mha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now