triple ofa and ending finally!!!!!

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"SMASH!!!!!" yelled the duo as their fist collide with mineta's face Sending him flying back into a few buildings

But mineta quickly recovers and rushes at them

"SMA-" but a massive explosion is fired at them

As allmight and Midoriya are sent flying into buildings

And mineta seems unaffected

The smoke clears and mineta finally has a clear view

"Well what do we have here?"


"Poor little bakugou Still not comfortable with the idea of losing?"

"ILL KILL YOU!!" Bakugou yells as he launches himself at mineta but mineta smacks him away

Sending him crashing into Midoriya who was just getting up

"MOVE YOU SHITTY NERD!!" Bakugou yells as he gets back up

"Kacchan w-!"

"SHUT UP!!"he yells

But they're interrupted by mineta punching them both into a building

"Doesnt matter how many of you there are!" Mineta yells as he charges up a ki blast

Then all of sudden allmight punches him
Into a few buildings

But mineta stops himself

"Lets see you fair when its 3 on 1 monster!" Allmight yells as bakugou and Midoriya land next to him

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"Lets see you fair when its 3 on 1 monster!" Allmight yells as bakugou and Midoriya land next to him

"Monste-" mineta speaks but bakugou quickly fires a huge explosion at him

"DIE!" he shouts

The smoke clears revealing....


"Wait what?" Bakugou yells but he gets blasted away by a green energy blast

Allmight and Midoriya turn around to see mineta standing on a vehicle

"I am disappointed...." he says

"Go!" Midoriya yells

As he and allmight rush mineta

Mineya Vanishes and kicks Midoriya away

Leaving allmight as the last one standing

"Now its just you and me..." mineta says
As all might starts getting more furious

Back with Midoriya
Izuku is sent crashing down next to bakugou

Midoriya looks at his child hood friend bakugou

"Kacchan!" He yells

Bakugou looks him

"What" Bakugou says tiredly

mineta is BROLY!!!! (another dbz and mha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now