2nd chance but to SURIVIVE!

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(Play the music and if the music stops then use chrome or something)

"Lets see if class 1-a can survive this time!" The mysterious figure says
As he then starts laughing like psychopath

Back with the class

The class arrived just in time to witness todoroki get crushed and watch mineta reverts back into his normal state which is being a midget again

"YOU MONSTER!!!" yells Midoriya as he doesn't hesitate to punch mineta across the face which Sends him crashing into multiple trees

"D-DEKU!" Bakugou yells he finally gets back up

"OW!" mineta yells as he gets back up

"MINETA!?!?!?!" the entire class yells

They finally get a good look at him and realize thats it him

"Wait but how!" Yells the entire class as they completely forget about shotos death

"Time travel" mineta replies

"Bullshit!" Kirishima yells as he hardens himself

Mineta then sighs

"So I guess ill have to kill you guys again?" Mineta questions

"K-kill us?" Kaminari says

"Yes...I already killed you guys easily in my time"


"LETS KICK HIS ASS!" they all yelled
"NOT THIS T-" mineta says but is quickly interrupted by kirishima punching him


As mineta is sent crashing into trees again

The smoke clears revealing a taller person standing there

The smoke clears revealing a taller person standing there

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"Woah mineta?!"

"Hes changed!"

"Doesn't matter we'll still kick his ass!"

"Fine!" Yells mineta as he rushes at them

Kaminari shoots electricity at mineta but he just runs through it

Eventually reaching Kaminari and punching him in chest
"KAMINARI!" class 1-a yells
As mineta's fist peirced through him

"WHOS NEXT!" Mineta yells while kaminari lifeless body falls to the ground

Midoriya yells

As he actives one for all
And rushes at mineta

"SMMAAAASSHHHH!!" yells Midoriya as he punches mineta making him take a few steps back

"Not bad...that actually hurt...."

But Midoriya doesn't stop there
He uses quirk to punch mineta in the stomach over and over again

mineta is BROLY!!!! (another dbz and mha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now