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(this whole chapter is dedicated to Yoongyeon shipper and to those who want to know why Nayeon gave up with just that rumor. If you don't want to be sad or not interested, skip this chapter)


Mr . Min Yoongi

I know how much it
hurt you but it was
really nothing.

Nayeon please come back
to me.

Let's create a new happy
memories together.

I'm sorry for not prioritising
you back then.

I want to work hard for our
future to the point that the
reason why I'm doing that
is hurting because of me.

I admit I'm stupid, dumb,
useless and a piece of
trash. But I promise I'll do
everything to work things
out again. Please...

I love you

I love you so much

Mr. Min, please stop
bothering me. It's been a
month since we ended the
stupid relationship

Can we just move on and
find each others right person
to love?

Mr. Min?

I'm back as the producer you
met? I'm just a stranger to
you again?

I see you're already moving
on. Good for you.


How can I move on? If you're
the only one?

I'm not

We're not meant for each
other that's why this thing
happen. Accept the fact that
you're the first one who give
motives to split up. You're the
reason why everything mess up.
But I'm not blaming you cause
I also gave up, on us

I trusted you

I waited for you

I understand you

I accepted you

I loved you

But I guess this is the
real end for us



I'll give you space first but
that doesn't mean I gave


"I'm hungry! Let's go eat outside." Nayeon tap his busy boyfriend that working on the new album of one of his artists.

She observe at the bed from morning to sun down if his boyfriend will eat so they could enjoy having lunch or dinner together but until now, his attention is on his work.

"Some songs still need to fix, you can eat first." her boyfriend said without sparing a glance on her.

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