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Nayeon my babe

No I don't shut up!

You caught red handed
stop denying😒

What ever, so want to
have a girls night out?

I have a dinner date
with my Joon so I can't


eWw your bitter face

I'm not

iM nOt



I won't treat you again

I'll stop☺

Oh by the way there's an
opening of a coffee shop
near the MK, let's hang out

Since when did you have
an interest in coffee?

They're not just simple
coffee shop, they're offering
some album that you would
love to hear!

They also have the in the
trees cd of Taylor

Such a die hard fan
but momo is your
co-worker and CGF is
far from your office so
don't invite me!

No, the girls are going too
so let's be complete please

I'll check my schedules

Sounds like you're very
busy huh?

I'm actually not, just lazy

That's why your boyfriend
still address your contact
name as Lazy Joy

He change it to
doongdoongie but
change it again

It's cute so I don't mind


How long will you gonna
be a hater of my love life?

Until I find my the one

Yeah yeah go ahead find
your THE ONE

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