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Jinnie my boyfie  >▪︎<

Hey, I'm at your door

What? Wait the girls are


What 'soo'? They still
don't know


And what? Do you want
to reveal our relationship

Why not? They're our

Heck no, I'm not ready
yet for their tons of questions

Then I'm going to answer?

You don't know them

Yeah you're right but can't
be just honest to them?
We're not doing anything
wrong and besides the
agency allowed you to date

As if they're going to kill us
if we tell them the truth?

It's not like...

It's so hard to explain

Come on, are we going to
argue just about this?

About this?

It's a big issue...

What? Are you scared that
you might loose your fans?

No, not like that

It's like that

You don't understand

I understand you, that's why
I'm agreeing to this kind of
relationship, I just want to let
our friends know.

Let's trust them, they won't
tell it to anyone. They're our

I'll talk to you later

You're avoiding this again

Jisoo, are you serious to
our relationship?

Why Jisoo? You call me
Jichu every time °^°

Can you answer my question?

Of course I'm serious but
everything happened

so fast, don't you think
they will doubt us?

Don't mind them, the
important thing is we
love each other.

Let's tell them shall we?

My feet is getting numb
by the cold here outside

Go inside your car! I'll
meet you at your car

You're going to leave your
friends there?

Why not? They're going
to ask a lot of questions
if I'm there while we're

The car is park near the
end of the alley on the

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