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*Zach POV*

She went limp in my arms. I kept screaming her name but she didn't move.

"Where's the ambulance?" I yell looking at Corbyn who called them

"They're on the way. It'll be okay Zach" Corbyn gets down on the ground, reaching for y/n's neck, I'm assuming to find a pulse.

He nods his head and sighs with relief.

I couldn't help but let a tear fall. I try to stay strong for all the guys around me but I can't. We're all drunk expect Corbyn so we're all panicking more than he is.

There was a knock on the door and Daniel runs and let the paramedics in.

Time seemed to slow down but go so fast at the same time.

They put her on a stretcher and hook her up to an oxygen tank. We all follow them downstairs and out the door. I freeze when they put her in the back of the ambulance

"One of you can come with us, but you have to hurry" One of them says while they climb in behind her.

No one says anything, we just look at each other.

"Corbyn, go with her" Jonah says, stepping forward.

"And who's going to drive you drunk idiots to the hospital?" We all look at each other. He was right. We all want to be with her but we didn't know who to go with her.

"Go Zach, we'll meet you there" Corbyn says pushing me towards the ambulance.

"We need to leave now!" The paramedic yells.

Without a second thought I run and jump into the ambulance with her. I watch him check her vitals as we drive full speed to the hospital.

I feel so useless. I can't help her, she just lays there, lifeless.

We make it to the hospital and I'm told to wait in the waiting room until they have an update. I sit there with my head in my hands, crying.

Why didn't I see she felt this way? She put on a fake smile everyday and I believed it.

I'm so stupid.

"Zach?" I hear, I look up and see the guys coming in.

Jack runs over and hugs me, he knows how broken I am.

"It'll be okay, Zach, she'll be okay" He rubs my back as we all sit down.

"I'm so stupid. How did I not see this? See how broken she was?" I lean back in the chair, staring at the ceiling

"It's not your fault, no one saw it coming" Jonah says, trying to give me reassurance.

"I should've seen it. I'm her best friend" I look back at Jonah.

"Best friend? That's it?" Jonah says with an eyebrow raised

"What? I- What do you mean?" I say hesitantly

"You've had feelings for her since day one, Zach, it's obvious. But hey, that doesn't mean you could've seen this coming. No one did. Don't blame yourself" Daniel says patting my shoulder.

Before I could answer, I was saved by the doctor

"Anyone here for Y/n Y/l/n?" A doctor came out and says. We all jump up and I run over

"That's us" I spout out quickly

"Unfortunately I can only let family in to see her"

"So she's alive? She's okay?" Corbyn asks pushing to the front of us

"She's alive and well. We pumped her stomach. The mix of the pills and alcohol, well, you're lucky the paramedics arrived when they did. Do you know when her family will be here?" The doctor asks

"She has no family" Jack says, glaring at the doctor

"None? None at all?" He asks giving Jack a look back

"Her parents died a few years ago. We're her family now" I said looking towards the back rooms to see if I could see what room she's in.

"Okay then, two at a time. Follow me"

"Zach, Corbyn, you two go first" Jonah says, we nod and follow the doctor to her room.

He points to the door and walks away.

I slowly open the door and it breaks my heart seeing her lay there.

This is all déjà vu.

Corbyn and I fully walk in and she gives us a weak smile.

"Hey guys" She raises her hand to give us a small wave.

Tears start streaming down my face and I look down. Corbyn must've saw because he spoke first, in almost a whisper.

"Hey y/n. This is probably a dumb question but how are you? How are you feeling?" She laughs. Even in situations like this, she always tries to see the bright side.

"I'm good, considering the circumstances. How are you both? Zach?" She says my name, and it makes me cry more.

"Zach, come here" She holds her arms out, signalling for a hug.

I walk over, still not looking fully up and I give her a hug.

"I'm so sorry" She whispers in my ear.

I pull out of the hug and sit on her bed beside her, grabbing her hand. The door opens and the doctor walks in.

"Your party out in the waiting room is getting kicked out. The tall one puked on my waiting room floor" He walks out closing the door

"Jonah" Corbyn and I say in unison. Y/n laughs

"I'm going to take them home, y/n, I'll be back in the morning" She gives a slight smile and says goodbye as he walks out of the room.

It was just us left.

I didn't know what to say.

I don't have the courage to even look her in the eyes.

*Y/n POV*

Zach wouldn't even look at me. I broke him. I shouldn't have put him through this, again.

"Zach?" I try to get him to look at me, but he doesn't. "Please, look at me" I give his hand a squeeze

"Why didn't you tell me? I can't believe you did this again. After everything we went though last time" Zach slightly raises his voice. He lets go of my hand and stands up off the bed.

"Zach, I- Please don't do this" I let a tear fall from my eye

"No y/n, I thought we moved past this, you said you were better and you promised you wouldn't do this again" He starts pacing around the room

"Zach, you don't understand, I-"

"I don't understand what y/n?!" He yells, no longer pacing the room

"I didn't think I'd make it out alive this time" I whisper, looking down at my lap, playing with my hands. More tears continue to fall.

"I love you y/n, can't you see that?! I'd be heart broken if something happened to you. I can't lose you"

"Zach, I love you too, you know that" I send him a smile but he doesn't smile back

"No y/n, I'm in love with you" Before I could  answer, there was a knock on the door, and it slowly opens

"Oh my god, y/n! I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Kay?" Zach and I say in unison, looking towards the door

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