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Salazar paced about his room, he had an idea, and it was slowly forming in his mind.

"This could work... I know it could work!" He muttered to himself while slightly adding some bounce to his step.

"Now, what do I need...." Salazar was thinking out loud when suddenly he raised his head. "I've got it!" he rushed to gather the papers from his desk before running out his bedroom door and down the hall.

"What's all this noise?!" His mother shouted from the drawing-room. Her cries were left ignored while Salazar ran through front door and out the gates that guarded their home.

He was at the Gryffindor's home in a record time, catching his breath before knocking on their door.

It flew open to reveal Katerina, who had grown a substantial amount since Salazar had last seen her. He hadn't been over to the Gryffindor's home while Godric was away, and for most of the holidays, Godric spent them at the homes of his friends from school.

Salazar was suddenly aware of how much his self had changed as well, since Katerina had last seen him. He'd grown and was now taller than his father, he towered over most people he stood beside. His hair was cut short instead of the messy and greasy cut he'd worn as a young boy, his muscles had filled out, but he was still thin, just not as gangly. His limbs finally fit his body, which was a relief to his old clumsy self.

His words caught in his throat when she had thrown the door open. She was taller, most likely about 5 foot 6 inches. She was slim but not too thin, her hair was chestnut-colored and pulled back, so it sat on the nape of her neck, and her eyes were a light green. Salazar couldn't have described a more perfect woman, and when he looked into her eyes in those few seconds, he felt something strange stir inside himself.

"Oh, um, Katerina!" He stuttered, "You've grown since I last saw you."

She giggled, "Isn't that what happens when someone hasn't come to call in a few years?"

Salazar was stunned. He knew it had been a while since he'd come but had it been that long?

Godric was coming home for the first time in 3 years, and suddenly Salazar felt sick. Would they even still be friends or have anything in common? It was like that worrisome day six years ago, all over again.

"Godric isn't here yet, but that's no surprise. He tends to keep us on our toes with whether or not he'll holiday here, but would you like to come inside? I'm practicing my pianoforte, and you can sit with me if you don't mind the noise?" Katerina looked at him patiently.

Salazar thought for a moment, "I would love to!" He said, and a smile appeared on her face.

Salazar sat and listened to Katerina's music, which flowed through the room and filled his head. The home was still warm, and Salazar felt at peace within its walls.

Here was where he belonged, and it felt good to be back. He sat in the old red armchair that used to be his favorite place as a boy because it always made him feel as if he was bigger than he was. 

Damian rushed into the room, "He's here! Wait, Salazar! It's been too long!"

The two of them shook hands, "I've missed you, Damian! Are you still creating havoc for your mother?"

"Of course, he is! It's good to see you, darling." Mrs. Gryffindor came from around the corner.

The front door flew open to reveal Godric and his father in the doorway. "Mother, Damian, and dear Katerina!" Godric shouted. He still seemed like his old self, which comforted Salazar, who slowly stepped towards the back.

The family greeted each other with shouts and hugs, a very odd concept for a Slytherin but he'd grown used to it from years at the Gryffindor's. Salazar was lost in thought when he heard Katerina speak, "Oh, Godric! Salazar is here to see you as well!"

Salazar felt like he had swallowed his tongue as Godric approached him. When the distance between them was closed, Godric wrapped his arms around the other boy. "It's been three years too long, brother! We have a lot to talk about, but first let's eat!"

Damian cheered, and the family sat around the table. They laughed, caught up, and ate the best food Salazar had had in three years.

After dinner, Salazar and Godric sat together in their spot in the woods. "How was school?" Salazar asked, staring down at his hands.

"It was better than anything I could have imagined! I've got a group of boys, and we have a club, oh you'll love it, Salazar! We've vowed to do all that we can to disturb the muggles." Godric's face lit up as he retold the adventures his group of boys had while at school. "We've decided to pass down the legacy of our group at the school, and a boy named Jack Lestrange is going to carry it on."

"That sounds like it was exciting. I wish I had some interesting stories to tell of things here, but I'm at a loss trying to think of any."

Godric grinned, "You've barely changed still the same old Salazar I left behind! Though you look quite a bit better, we've grown up, haven't we?"

"Seems like it, doesn't it?" The two boys laughed together, and the forest was thankful to finally hear again.

"Now, didn't you say you had something to ask me about?" Godric asked.

"Oh, yes! I've nearly forgotten. I had an idea, and please don't say anything until I finish because I know it may sound crazy and impossible!"

"You're making me nervous." Godric's smile disappeared, as he gave Salazar his full attention.

"You know how I couldn't go to school because my parents disagreed with the teaching, and even Katerina didn't go off to school because your parents never found a school that they could respect." Salazar was scared to get to the point of what he was saying. Godric would probably laugh the idea away, which is what happened with most of Salazar's ideas.

"Yes, I do know all of that, but what are you trying to say?" Godric looked confused, and Salazar didn't blame him.

"What I'm trying to say is let's... Let's open a school! I know what you're thinking, but I have it all planned out. We don't even need to worry about money because I have all of that covered. So, what do you think?" Salazar took a deep breath and waited for Godric's response.

"What do I think?" Godric seemed to be pondering what Salazar had just said, "I think you're brilliant! Let's do this, you and me just like old times." Godric reached out his hand, and Salazar grabbed it, "Partners?"

Godric smirked, "Partners."

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