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"Please don't put up a fight! It won't be so bad. I went there when I was your age, and look how fine I turned out!" Helga's mother pleaded with her.

She had just dropped the news that she was planning on sending Helga to a witches boarding school that she had attended as a girl.

"Mother, you hated your life growing up, so why are you putting me through this!" Helga was furious.

"Because darling, my days at Carlyle Academy were some of my best memories, and I want for you to be able to receive a magical education."

Helga's mother sat down beside her on a bright orange pillow and squeezed her hand.

"Please stop. I know about what you promised to Grandmother and Grandfather, so you don't have to lie to me."

Helga had overheard her parents discussing what they would do about the promise they'd made when first married.

"It was the only way for them to accept who I had married, finally. You have to understand."

"Oh, I understand it all clearly. That you made a promise about me and my future before I was even born!"

Helga got up from the pillow and moved as far as she could from her mother.

"I can't stand to be away from here for so long..." Helga looked out the window to her garden, which was in full bloom. Bright red tomatoes hung on the vines, pink and yellow flowers opened towards the sun, and the large watermelons sat waiting in the dirt.

"I know, but this is for the best, trust me."

Helga refused to turn around, she knew that her mother loved her children and husband more than anything else, but that love was equally matched by the fear her mother had for the life she'd left behind. 


A few days later, Helga had her trunks packed, as she sat waiting on a stone bench outside the cottage.

She was waiting for her grandparents to arrive, and she had no clue when or how they'd appear.

Helga heard the sound of horses running, and spotted a cloud of dust beginning to form. A large carriage pulled to a stop outside the little cottage, and the door swung open to reveal a tall woman with grey hair that was pulled back into a tight knot at the top of her head.

Then behind the woman climbed out a man with a stern gaze on his face, he held a cane but didn't appear to need it, he walked with his back completely straight and in long strides.

"You must be Helga." The woman said to the girl, who nodded in reply.

"Mother and Father! What a pleasure it is to have you finally meet your grandchildren." Helga's mother cried, as she hurried out the door, much to Helga's relief.

These people were her grandparents, but it was clear they had nothing in common.

"Hmm, yes, the girl takes after you, Genevieve." The man said as he stared into Helga's eyes, "But she does have the eyes of that abominable man you married."

Helga's mother sighed, "Yes, she does, and I happen to love those eyes. Now you must meet Hugo. He looks just as you did when you were younger, father."

Hugo crept from the doorway and out onto the lawn. Helga's grandparents looked over him, analyzing every inch.

"Nice to meet you, son." They kept the introduction to their grandson short, turning to face Helga and her mother once more, "Well, we must be off now, Genevieve, if we are to make it to the train station in time."

With a flick of his hand, Helga's bags began to float onto the top of the carriage, securing themselves to it.

Helga gave the last goodbyes to her mother and Hugo, and as well to her father, who was purposefully hiding inside the house.

Then she climbed up inside the carriage, which jerked to a start and began the long and silent ride to the train station.


The train ride was just as bland as the carriage, but Helga passed the time by looking out the window.

The scenery flashed past her fast, and she made a game of trying to spot different species of plants as quickly as possible.

A few hours had ticked by before they arrived at the destination, her grandparents hurrying out and into a castle-like building.

Portraits covered the walls, and various objects floated around the halls.

Through the windows, Helga could see a large garden full of students tending to it, as far as she could see it was green.

"Maybe this won't be so bad." Helga quietly whispered to herself.

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