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Godric peered out from behind the green bush that was sticking its branches into his skin. His hair was a deep brown, skin tanned from days spent running about under the sun, and his clothes were nice but covered in grass stains, little holes were beginning to form, for the bush that gave him cover wasn't very friendly.

"Shh!" The boy crouching beside Godric whispered. His clothes weren't as new and were tattered from much more wear than just that afternoon's activities. Black hair shiny from the oil that couldn't regularly be washed out. His figure looked thin and sickly beside Godric, who was built strong and ate frequently. 

The boys were watching a group of kids kick a ball back and forth to one another on the cobblestoned street. The game made no sense to the boys, who would much rather like to toss things about in the air, they could do that because these boys were born with magic.

"What are you two freaks doing back here?" One of the kids yelled at Godric and his friend, "I told you that if I ever saw you again, I'd hurt you."
Godric stood up slowly from behind the bush. He wouldn't let this kid talk to him like that; it wasn't right. "You don't own this street. We can be wherever we want too." He said, suddenly full of bravery.
The boy and his friends began to approach Godric so he stood a little taller, hoping his friend would join him soon. Godric prepared himself to fight back. He was strong and could take a few of the boys, but yet he still wished he could use his wand right now.

Suddenly rocks began to fly out of nowhere towards the group of bullies. "What!?" The group of kids began to scatter. They were confused as to where the hard stones were coming from, but Godric knew who the culprit was.
"You're freaks!" The leader of the group shouted before running away, and Godric turned to see his friend, now standing beside him. "Why did you do that? We aren't supposed to do magic in front of them, and you know that." Godric reprimanded him.

"Whoever made that rule was clearly never bullied before." His friend responded.
Godric laughed, "Race you back to my house?" He said, sprinting out into the green field, taking a head start.

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