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Salazar crouched beside his best friend, Godric. They were watching the muggle children play a game involving kicking around a ball, Godric seemed fascinated with this strange idea, but Salazar didn't see the point of it. If these kids were able to make things fly about or explode with a swish of a finger, then they would. Except they couldn't because they were only muggles, and Salazar could because he was a wizard. Yet still, these children bullied him relentlessly, if only they knew the truth and if Salazar were a little older and more experienced, then these children would be running in fear from him.

Godric peered out too far from behind the bush, and the leader of the muggles began to approach them. He was the tallest and meanest of their group, and he had spent many afternoons bullying the two boys.
"What are you two freaks doing back here?" He shouted at them, Salazar crouched further down.
"I told you that if I ever saw you again, I'd hurt you."
Godric slowly began to stand, and Salazar knew he was going to do something probably stupid but brave. Godric was like that, never afraid, and always executing what he called justice.

"You don't own this street. We can be wherever we want too." Salazar knew Godric couldn't win this, he was trying to get his attention, "I have a plan!" He tried to whisper, but Godric couldn't hear him.
Salazar turned his head to the pile of rocks that had been lying there all afternoon. It was against magical law to use magic against muggle, but that was something Salazar had never agreed upon. He had his own rules that he followed, and standing up for yourself included using magic against arrogant muggles, who thought they were better than a wizard. He made the rocks begin to float and fly towards the muggles, who quickly scattered, shouting and running for cover.

"Why did you do that? We aren't supposed to do magic in front of them, and you know that." Godric said. He wasn't smiling, but Salazar had to laugh. "Whoever made that rule was clearly never bullied before." Salazar knew to say that because it would make Godric not so uptight against breaking the "Honor Code." The Gryffindors were sticklers for maintaining honor, and being bullied fell under the allowed to break the rules category. "Race you back to my house?" Godric shouted, and he took off running, and Salazar chased after him.

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