Chapter Four

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A/N: I will do a Seroroki fanfic based off of this AU later on. I'm wanting to get ALL of my fictions finished up, so I'm really sorry for the really late updates on this book. Also, how do we feel about red eyed Iida? 👀

Shoto yawned and looked around his quiet room. His hair was everywhere and he was wrapped up in his own covers. "Is that how people usually sleep now?" the sudden voice made him yelp and jump out of his bed, falling face first, due to his feet being un-moveable. The person that asked the sudden question, was now giggling. As Shoto groaned and lifted himself up from the floor, Tenya floated overhead him, a smile on his face. "You are very pretty in the morning." Shoto turned a shade or red after hearing those words.

Quickly the boy stood up and put his covers back to his bed. "Right. I'm going to get ready, you should.." he trailed off slightly, Tenya waiting for him to respond. "watch some tv. I even have a few mangas a friend of my let me borrow, so, you can check those out too, if you want that is." Tenya nodded and watched as the other left the room. A small sigh left his lips as he let his own feet touch the floor. He walked to the boy's bedside, picking up one of his friend's mangas, it didn't exactly match what he usually read, so he put it back, nicely, and went to the living room instead.

He waited for about twenty minutes, when Shoto did come out of the bathroom, he was met with a blue haired boy hanging upside down on his couch, watching PowerPuff Girls. As Shoto fixed his red tie, Tenya yawned and stretched his arms. "What exactly are you doing?" the duel colored haired boy asked the other. Tenya quickly got to him feet and to the other male's side.

"I was watching television of course!" Tenya's cheerful voice made Shoto role his eyes and smile. He walked over to the door, Tenya at his side, and began to put his shoes on. "Do you think I could come with you?" he questioned the other, he then sprung up. "I promise I will not be a disturbance! I can be very quiet when needed." he added quickly. Shoto rose an eyebrow at the boy and stood up. A small sigh left his lips as he wiped down his pants, wanting to make sure nothing is on his pants.

"You really want to come with me, huh?" Tenya nodded quickly, fixing his glasses afterwards, and a giant smile on his lips. Another sigh left Shoto and he nodded, giving into the blue haired male. "Alright, yeah, you can come with just, don't go anywhere and don't cause trouble." Shoto directed him with a stern look on his face, Tenya nodded, a smile still on his lips as he watched Shoto grab his bag and phone. "Okay, let's go, shall we?" the blue haired male smiled wider and nodded. The two left the dorm, Shoto locked it after closing the door. The two walked in a peaceful quiet until Katsuki came up behind him and clapped his hands. Both the boys jumped, Katsuki only seeing Shoto at the time, and turned around to see the boy with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey peppermint boy." Katsuki spoke up to the other. Shoto rolled his eyes and the three walked with one another to the school's entrance. "You know today we have the English test, right?" Shoto nodded, making sure to keep an eye on Tenya, who was looking around like he'd never seen the school before. Katsuki seemed to notice his friend's off behavior. "It's half our grade." he said, hoping to get a slight reaction but, for his unfortunate self, he only received a nod in response. He sighed and an idea came to mind. "Kissed that red head last night." the boy beside him quickly looked at him.

"You did what to who now?" Shoto questioned the shorter male. Katsuki laughed as they came closer to their class.

"Knew that'd do somethin'. Now, why are you so out of it this morning?" Katsuki questioned, the three stopped in front of the door of the class. Shoto looked to Tenya, a side look in case of Katsuki noticing, and sighed lightly.

"It's nothing, just, not up for dealing with class today. I'm just going to the library and back to my dorm, I haven't been feeling well for a few days, sorry Bakugou." Shoto rubbed his neck, he truly did feel sorry but, he really wanted to learn more about ghosts. Katsuki on the other hand, seemed oddly fine with it. He shrugged and smiled at the boy.

"Don't worry about it," he said with a toothy smile. " 'sides, I wanna hang out with Kiri today." Shoto rolled his eyes at the love sick boy and the two parted way. Tenya smiled widely as they departed from his friend.

"I cannot believe that he and Kirishima finally got together!" Tenya exclaimed with a wide smile and a skip into his step. He was happy for his friend, finally seeing that the boy wasn't sad and mopy anymore, made him just as happy. The two friends did still blame themselves for that day, but they both try to forget it, unfortunately, it works for neither of them seeing as Tenya is still at the school.

"Hey," Shoto spoke up, breaking Tenya from his thoughts. "shouldn't you like, not be here? I mean, think about it, shouldn't you have already moved on?" Tenya thought of the question for a moment, a finger on his chin and his eyes closed slightly. Shoto stood there, slightly worried. "Are you o-" he was cut off by Tenya jumping up and putting his hands on the other male's shoulders, a wide grin in his face.

"I know!" he yelled out, startling the multicolored boy. Tenya walked in front of Shoto, leading him to the to the library. "Most of the time, from stories you hear, a ghost can move on from the human world, live in quiet and in peace. Unfortunately I'm still here, I believe it's because both I and Katsuki still blame ourselves, or I'm still here for a different reason." he sighed and turned around, shrugging at the male. "Either way, we gotta find out what it is so I can see this place that people say is beautiful!" Tenya said with a wide smile, his fist meeting his palm in the process. Shoto bit his bottom lip.

"You're weird."

"Hah?! No! You're weird!"


"Uhm, yeah?? You look like a peppermint!"

"Your hair is blue and you have red eyes, seriously?"


Shoto smiled and watched as Tenya talked about his little theories, usually it would be Shoto talking about his with his own friends. But, he liked Tenya's, they were interesting and he could honestly listen to whatever the other had to say all day long. Now, in the eyes of many, it would be seen as love, but in the eyes of Shoto, he just found himself a new friend.

For Now That Is.

Hello Everyone!

I'm trying my best to update this book.
I'll start the new chapter today and try to get it up sometime tomorrow.
Also, red eyed Tenya has really caught my attention, don't judge.✋🏼

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!♥🌸

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