Chapter Five

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A/N: For once, I'm ACTUALLY invested into writing a fic. Wow. Haven't been like this since my first one, kinda happy with myself. ^^

"Shoto, I'm boooorrrred." Tenya whined out. They had been in the library for about an hour and still, not much was found. Shoto sighed and looked up, seeing the boy with a boy of his own, it laying on his face open, and him floating with an arm over his stomach while the other was dangling in the air.

"I know," he spoke looking back down at the book. Another sigh and he closed the book. His eyes scanned the small space, maybe they should take a break, wouldn't be so bad, would it? The male stood up and began to pick up books. Tenya turned his head, making the book drop on the desk, and watched as the other began picking them up. His eyes lit up and he began to help the other. "I'm sorry." Shoto said, breaking the small silence that had rested with them. Tenya looked up, a confused expression on his face.

"Now what are you sorry for?" the boy questioned his friend. "I mean, you haven't done anything wrong, did you? Because if you did, I didn't see it." Tenya shrugged and put the books on the high shelf, that Shoto couldn't reach.

"I mean," Shoto took a breath before saying more. "I mean I'm sorry for acting rude to you before. I shouldn't have done that, it's really not like me honestly." Shoto said to him, handing the boy more books to put up. A small smile layed on Tenya's face. Now he won't lie, it didn't really affect him when Shoto freaked out, he did make noise and loved to be annoying, so that was honestly on him.

"Don't worry about it, kinda my fault to be honest. I can be annoying." the blue haired boy flipped upside down, a smile on his face as the two boy's noses met. "Now then, what do you want to do?" Tenya questioned the male, that's when Shoto noticed his eyes. Red. He grabbed the other male's face and squinted his eyes. "Whachu doin?" the boy questioned as his face was squished.

"Your eyes.." Shoto mumbled.

"Wha bou it?" Tenya questioned, he was confused as to what was happening. Was something wrong with his eyes? Did they not look right? I mean, he is a ghost, so they might look strange.

"They're red, I thought they were blue?" the big was so confused. Tenya stared and began to laugh at the other male. "Wha- why are you laughing?" Shoto turned a light shade of red, he was embarrassed! He didn't know why Tenya was laughing, and it was slightly getting to him. The red eyed boy caught his breath and sat himself on the table with his legs in the butterfly position.

"I've always had red eyes, I just wore colored contacts to hide them. Also, people see my blue hair and automatically think I have blue eyes, even with the contacts out." as he spoke, he also rocked himself back and forth. Shoto nodded in understandment, a smile of his own on his face.

"Alright then." Shoto spoke, he grabbed his bag from the floor and swung it over his shoulder. "Anywhere you want to go?" he questioned the other male. Tenya thought about it for a moment, then it hit him.

"Oh!" he hopped up from the desk and walked over to a small cubby, that Shoto didn't pay attention to earlier, and bent down. "I used to come in here, before everything happened, and Katsuki and I would read and study here. It was a small place the two of us found on accident." he explained as he crawled into the small space. Shoto nodded and followed after him. It was difficult, having to put his bag in front of him and crawl through a small space.

Tenya and Kat are much smaller than me, makes sense as to how they got in here. The boy groaned internally. Tenya popped his head into the small space, a grin on his face. He quickly crawled in and layed himself down on one of the bean bags, it wasn't a big room, but it was big enough for four. Once Shoto popped his head through, his back hurt. Tenya was reading one of his books, The Lady In Black, completely ignoring Shoto. Once the tall male was through the cubbyhole, he sprawled his body out and huffed. His eyes traveled around the small space, it was littered with small plushes, and pillows, on the walls were photos of Tenya, Katsuki and Uraraka with fairy lights holding them up.

There was a blue, pink, orange and red beanbag on each corner. It was strange, no one else knew of this place? How is that? Shoto looked around more, a smile on his face when he noticed the papers and books. Picking up a piece of paper, he noticed that it was Katsuki's. It was a recreation of pictures from the ones that he, Uraraka and Tenya took and then there are ones of him and Shoto together, when they were younger, even ones with Midoriya. The style was clean and perfect, he really liked seeing Katsuki's art.

"He really liked recreating old and even new photos." Shoto looked up at the sudden voice, seeing Tenya with a sad smile. A small one came to Shoto's lips as he looked down at the paper.

"Yeah..." the two boys sat in a comfortable silence. They enjoyed it while they had the chance. They looked through sketches and drawings that Katsuki had made, both quiet in the process. Shoto even looked at the many photos set up on the wall, there were pictures of Katsuki's little group and pictures of Tenya's, the one that Shoto had recently been dragged into, it was as if they had been friends with one another for years. Shoto smiled at the pictures. One that had caught his eyes was a picture of Tenya, a man with brown hair and classes and...his father?! Shoto's eyes widened and he turned around to see Tenya moving around a few things.

"Why is there a picture of you and my dad here?" he questioned the boy. Tenya didn't stop what he was doing, not even looking up at the other.

"Oh, my big brother and him know each other, most of the teachers here are either dating or have known one another for the longest." the red eyed boy shrugged. "Mister Enji is pretty cool, if I'm being honest that is." Tenya took a small book and flipped through it, the small smile never leaving his face. Shoto nodded, still surprised that his father knew about the boy and didn't tell him, then again, their family isn't at its best right now. A small, silent, sigh left Shoto's lips, he missed the way his family was. Before everything had happened. I still have to choose...he thought to himself.

The boy looked at his hands, he didn't know who to choose.

This wasn't fair, he hated choosing.

But, that's when he remembered what his father said about two days ago.

“You shouldn't worry too much about this, Shoto.” his father had a soft tone to his voice. He was seated on the blue chair of Toshinari's home, seeing as Rei kicked him out over something small, and Shoto was seated in front of him. The boy looked at his father's hands, that had been placed on his knees. “Listen to me,” Shoto looked up at his father, grey and blue meeting sapphire. “just say who you would feel more comfortable with, it will not change anything, we're still family, so don't worry.” Enji spoke so calmly, but Shoto knew this was a lot more stress on him. The boy bit his side cheek and nodded slightly.

“Yeah, ok, I'll tell you I'm a few days.” he spoke soft, his mind was everywhere, just like he was himself. Enji nodded.

“Well...wanna go and make something sweet?” Enji offered the boy. Shoto looked up at him confused. “Ahahaha, you need to learn a few things about your old man.” the red head laughed nervously. He grabbed Shoto's hands and led him to the blond man's kitchen. It was big and very neat, seeing as Toshinari is a model, makes sense as to why he has such a big house. “Let's see...” his father spoke to himself. The man then turned to Shoto. “Want to make some Mochi?” Shoto rolled his eyes, a grin on his face.

“How about, Mochi and ice cream?” Shoto offered instead. Enji laughed and agreed to the idea. The two of them spent most of the day making little deserts. Enji made some for Toshinari and Touya, seeing as the two worked with him and Shoto gathered some up for Natsou, Fuyumi and his mother.

The boy stayed with his father for the weekend, spending his five days with his mother wasn't as fun as the weekends with his father. Tenya noticed the boy had been lost in thought. "Are you ok Shoto?" he decided to ask. Said boy jumped slightly, hitting his head on the small ceiling, he groaned and nodded.

"Yeah, just thinking." was all he said before the two entered another set of silence. Enjoying both it and the small treasures that layed in the small room. Shoto had tomorrow to tell his mother and father, his father didn't seem to let it get to him too much, and his mother refused to talk about it. This will be one hell of a weekend.

Hello everyone!!

Your local dummy has updated. 🙄✋🏼

So, who should Shoto choose? His mother? Or his father? Comment for me. ;)

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!♥🌸

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