Chapter Two

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Shoto was beyond confused, who was this? Why was he here? Better question, how did he get into the dorm without unlocking the door from the inside? The boy turned to look at him and smiled brightly.

"You shouldn't curse." Was all the four eyed male said before going back to the television. Shoto sighed. Seriously?

"Alright, get out." He spoke pointing to the door. Tenya looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm? Leave? Why?" Shoto's eye twitched.

"Why? Because! This is my dorm! Go to your's or something." The two stared at each other.

"That's the thing..this is my dorm."

The two males stared at each other. One in confusion and the other in pure shock. It made no sense, the dorms had one bed and was made for only one person. Shoto would know if he was sharing with another person. The bi-colored male took a breath.

"Alright, alright, how is this your room? I would know if I was sharing with someone else." Tenya put the remote down and sighed.

"I'm going for a walk." Before Shoto could protest the male was...Gone? The latter stood there confused.

"Am I going crazy? Did he just disappear?!" Shoto groaned and rubbed his temples. "Maybe I need sleep." He whispered to himself, forgetting the food on the counter and retreating to his own little room.

The next morning the male woke up to what sounded like the television. He sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes lightly, the night's events coming back to his mind rather quickly. Shoto threw off his covers and ran to the living room, sliding due to the carpet-less floors, he caught himself and looked around. No one. The male picked up the remote and turned off the television.

Maybe I forgot to turn off the tv last night before bed. He yawned and threw down the remote, checking the time and sighing. I have thirty minutes to get ready and get to class.

It didn't quite take thirty minutes for the male to get to class, more like fifteen. He still hadn't unboxed his belongings but knew well enough where things were located. Ok, I still have time. Maybe I can get some information on this Tenya kid. With that in thought the boy slipped into the library, avoiding as many people as possible, and went to one of the computers.

The male logged into it and started to type. Shoto wanted to know, who was the kid that he kept seeing? Was he going crazy? Maybe his mother...the male shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows, not wanting to think about her. What she did to him was horried but what she did to his father was worse, putting him in court, ruining his and the other's lives. Shoto just can't come to think about her.

The male sighed and continued to type, until someone came up and interrupted him. A thing of ash blond hair, hair that he knows all to well. A small smile formed onto his thin lips as the ash hair sat down in a seat next to him.

"Hello Katsuki." He spoke turning to the boy next to him. Katsuki smiled at the other.

"Hello to you too! I heard you started going here and I wanted to see how you were setting in. Everything good so far?" The red eyes stared at him with curiosity, it was not hard to pin-point exactly what the blond thought about or what caught his eyes. Knowing him since Shoto was five, they know a lot about one another that not even their fathers' know about.

Shoto smiled. "Yes. Everything is fine, although.." The male's eyes found their way to the computer and red ones followed.

"Teenage death's?" Katsuki questioned. "Why're you looking that up?" As Katsuki turned to him, Shoto's eyes narrowed at the screen in front of him and his brows furrowed; once again.

"I've been seeing and experiencing some of the weirdest things. I haven't even been here that long and this weird kid keeps coming out of nowhere, last night, I think he vanished." Shoto started to type again, wanting to be more specific as to what he was looking up and Katsuki just stared at him.

"You do realize that you can just ask me, right? I've been going here for a year down, dumbass." Katsuki said rolling his eyes, playfully. Shoto stopped typing and breathed out a laugh.

"Oh right...I forgot.."

"Forgot what? Of my existence?!"

"What happens if I say yes?"



The two calmed down and Katsuki put his hands onto his knees looking at the boy. "So, tell me what you've been seeing and why you've been looking up weird things." Shoto took a breath.

"It's a boy. He comes up to my chin, I think, he wears thin rectangular glasses, dark blue shirt hair, pale skin...oh! And he has these really beautiful blue eyes!" Shoto spoke to the other. When they made eye contact, Katsuki looked on the verge of tears. The taller noticed the distress coming from the other, the way his body was tensed up, his hands had now latched onto his own pants, his ruby eyes dwelled with tears and how his bottom lip shook; This isn't right.

Shoto stared at his friend in shock, when the tears started to come down the boys cheeks he frowned. He sighed lightly and started to wipe the other's tears away, softly whispering to calm him down. After a little while, the blond calmed down. Katsuki took a breath and the tension between the two calmed down.

"His name is..was, Tenya Iida. He was a very smart kid during out first year here, he helped everyone and made sure that everything was intact inside and outside of the classroom.." Katsuki said with shakey breathes.

"Hey...that's his name.." Shoto muttered under his breath. Katsuki nodded and continued.

"He was very talented. I had never met such a smart kid before! I actually became friends with him and we did a lot together, but..when his brother got into an accident..he changed." Shoto listened, he listened to what happened to younger, listened to how he, and why, moved into the dorms a month after the accident and listened to why he committed suicide.

After Katsuki explained what happened to the other, he was sobbing, remembering what happened to someone that he was close to. Shoto, was silently crying, tears slipping down his face and onto his school shirt as well as pants. He couldn't believe it, a kid had..Why? Shoto looked back up when he heard a shakey laugh come from the red eyed boy.

"I made more friends..but I think it was out of pity. Who wants to be friends with a kid like me? Broke..worthless..hah.." Shoto grabbed the other and hugged him tightly, tears still streaming.

"Shut up..youre not worthless and I don't want to hear that, don't do what Iida did. Do you understand me?!" Shoto put his hands onto the other's shoulders and moved him so that their eyes met. "You're an amazing person and the way that you described Iida? That sounds like he was an even more amazing person, yes. He did do something, but we know his reasons. No! Suicide should not have been the answer for him and that breaks me more than anything knowing your friend did that, but, I am here too. Do not say that, do you understand me?"

Katsuki nodded and the two hugged again, both quietly crying. Shoto took a breath and kept rubbing the back of his best friend, he wasn't letting him go, and he wanted to know more but, right now isn't the time. Right now, right now is the time that Katsuki needs someone. And that's what he's here for.

Hello everyone!

Yeah, this chapter is kinda...mew.
And so will the next few.
This book? Will have SOME fluffy moments, you're not getting the lovey dovey thing like my other books, why?
Cause, making people cry is my thing. :)

Side ships? COMMENT PLEASE!!

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!🏳‍🌈❤

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