Chapter One

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Todoroki Shoto heaved a sigh as his hands gripped onto the sides of the sink. His multi-colored hair had been soaked from toilet water and was covering his eyes. The boy gritted his teeth. "Such bullshit..! She knew I'd hate this damn school!" He yelled to no one in particular. The boy was furious the week before school had even started.

His mother told him of the school he'd be going to, it took some convincing but she had gotten him to go. Shoto did speak with his father on the idea and even his father said it sounded bad. Unfortunately for him, the man in the divorce doesn't have the right to tell the child anything. So his mother didn't listen the week she brought it up again.

Yes, he had made a few friends in last three days but he had also made a few enemies. He'd thought that Bakugou Katsuki would be one to be his enemies but apparently he's just talk.

"Yeah, Katsuki gotten into fights before." A red headed male spoke rubbing the back of his neck. "But, he's gotten a lot better! I mean look! You're here and the only names he's called you were Icy Hot and Half and Half! It's better than what he did call students before then!"

Shoto sighed remembering what the other had told him. At least it wasn't him. Maybe things would have been harsher than a swirly...The boy was still new to the school. He liked some of the kids there, because then didn't really know him, but the others seem to catch up fast. His father, Todoroki Enji, is famous for being a photographer. During that time he had met a man named Toshinari Yagi, of course, this did result into the divorce between the boy's parents but that wasn't even why the had done it.

Apparently his mother, Todoroki Rei, was causing more issues than before. She started to randomly punch co-workers and ended up getting a lot of them fired, mainly the men. It pissed off a lot of people, but at least everything had been settled. Shoto still doesn't know the parent he should choose and it's putting even more stress onto him.

The boy looked in the mirror and moved some the hair that was in his face. "How am I supposed to explain this to Aizawa-Sensei?" He mumbled to himself. Just then, the fauset, from the sink beside him, turned on. He stopped and turned to look at it. That's weird.. It only turns on if someone's hands are under it, right? The boy pondered for a moment but shrugged it off once the water stopped.

Huh, maybe it's broken or something. He went back to the mirror and started to think on how he was going to fix the wet hair of his. "You knoooow~ You could just use the blow dryer thingy over there, right?" Shoto stopped what he was doing again and his eyes grew wide. I don't remember hearing that door open— so who's-? The boy turned to see a male on the sink swinging his legs back and forth.

Shoto just stared, taking in what he was seeing. The male beside him had dark blue hair, light-ish blue eyes, he seemed to be his age and even had a pair of thin black glasses that set on his nose. The boy even had the same uniform as him on. It was quiet. Shoto decided the quietness was getting to him and wanted to say something.

"Uhm, how are you?" Shoto's voice seemed to crack and the boy beside him turned his head. The taller flinched at the sudden action.

"I'm good! How about you?" When the boy responsed, Shoto's eyes grew wide. The boy that was seated there seemed awfully familiar in a way that he couldn't put his finger on it.

"I'm alright." He responded, still mesmerized over the boy on the sink. Silence engulfed the both of them again and it started to get the Shoto once more. Shoto hadn't noticed that the boy had been talking to him the entire time until the boy raised his voice.

"We should introduce ourselves since you won't listen to me, yeah?"

"Uhm, sure. I guess. I'm Todoroki Shoto; you are?"

"I'm Iida Tenya! Nice to meet ya Shoto!" The two boys shook hands, but Shoto noticed how cold the boy's hands had been. After the two pulled their hands away Tenya jumped down from the sink. "So, Shoto!" "Todoroki.." "Yeah yeah, whatever. Are you new here? I've never seen you before."

Shoto nodded to the other. "Yes, I am new." The bi-colored male took another notice to the boy's appearance, his skin, was a gray color. He shook his head and blinked again to make sure that he was seeing the boy right, and he was. Shoto decided it was just his eyes playing tricks on him and ignored it for the time being. "Well, I'm going back." He spoke blandly. Tenya seemed to not be paying attention, so Shoto left the male in the bathroom, or so he thought.

When the boy made his way to his own dorm he shivered. Cold? He turned on his lights and went to the thermostat, after closing and locking his door, he stared at the little white thing sticking out of his wall and frowned. It's at seventy like this morning, what's going on? The boy groaned and turned it up, slowly, the dorm became warm again. He sighed and took off his shoes, placing them by the door.

As he was walking to his kitchen, not far from the living room, the television came on. He whipped his head around, but found no one. Shoto squinted his eyes and turned it back off. I'm going crazy, aren't I? As he walked back to the kitchen he opened his fridge and groaned. He only had soba, he loves the noodle cups but, he needs more food than this if he wants to live.

He sighed and grabbed the cold soba out of the fridge, closing it and setting the noodles onto the counter. The male looked around and groaned again. Shoto squated down and rummaged through his cabinets, only to hear the television come on again. He quickly stood up and saw that it was on the news. What the—

"Would ya look at that, guess it's gonna rain tonight and tomorrow. Bummer." Came a familiar voice. Shoto ran out of the kitchen, what he saw was the boy from the bathroom. The boy looked at his door to see it both closed and locked, his eyes then traveled back to the male on his couch, who was flipping through channels.

"What the hell?!"

Hello everyone!!

I thought we could do another Todoiida book! :D cool, yeah??

I know, it's now. Lmao. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay safe!🏳‍🌈❤

Also, if you guys can, go to the link in my last announcement and help me out a little bit! I need money to get clothes and things that we're running out if at home, I'm thinking of giving my family some of the money (if I earn any doing this) so that we can buy the house and trailer near us.

Me and my brother want the trailer (so we don't have to share a room) and my parents already want to fix the house up! They're not always home and it's hard to do things here, they also don't earn enough money (even though they both work) and we may not even have Christmas this year.

So! If y'all can! Help me out! Please, keep this in mind, buy the cheapest thing on there, I don't want people spending 30 dollars on something. As it is, I HATE asking for this type of help.

Anyhow, see y'all in the next chapter!❤✨❤

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