11: He needs to be told?

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Erwin said nothing as he got up from beside Levi's bed and walked away, shutting the door behind him gently. He didn't really know why he chose to say it like that. Perhaps it was the pity Erwin felt for him?

No. He couldn't lie to himself anymore.

The reason he had said his promise like that was because he loved Levi, and he'd do anything just to stay alive and see him every day. He wanted to grow old with him. He wanted to eventually live a life without titans, in a cosy log cabin somewhere far away from civilisation. Just him and Levi until they were wrinkly and old aged. Yes, Erwin liked that idea very much.

The only problem was that Levi hated the idea of romance, despised it even. Erwin knew that. So not one but two of his dreams were incredibly far out of reach.

He wouldn't give up though. Not on his dream to see the world outside the walls, nor would he give up on Levi. That was a much easier promise he could make.


The preparations for the expedition took shorter than expected. Hange was way too excited about leading their own mission that they had pushed all the soldiers to have everything sorted in three days max. All the horses were saddled and ready to ride out, wagons were adjusted to a few pairs of the best steeds they had and, most importantly, everyone was set and ready to go.

Erwin didn't see the necessity of going so early so, despite them banging on and on about it, he declined Hange's request to leave.
"A shame, Commander." They took it rather well. "However I must ask. If you're leaving me in charge for this mission, then where will you fit into this formation?"
"Easy. I'll be riding beside you at all times, assessing how you do. Don't feel pressured, though. Just do your best." Erwin smiled in return. Hange nodded and walked off.


The two remaining days until the mission was due to start went by in a flash, and in no time it was the day they were leaving. Hange, having been given the reigns for the expedition, insisted that yet again they would ride out at night when titans couldn't do any damage to their numbers, set up camp somewhere at dawn and have their strongest and most battle hardened soldiers stand guard, fending off any titans that came close. The operation was expected to last at least two days, but that all rode on the number of casualties they sustained.

Levi lay in his bad on the morning of the date of the mission feeling miserable. He couldn't help but worry about everyone. Hange, Miche, Nanaba, Webber...and Erwin...

Considering that he had nothing to do, levi spent a lot of time thinking about Erwin. He'd been acting strangely recently. Or stranger than usual. The thing he said when Levi got injured, the way he wanted Levi back as soon as the doctors said he could leave the hospital, the way he promised him he would return alive... it wasn't like him. It was as if he'd been possessed or something. Levi didn't know what it was, but he hoped Erwin got better soon and went back to his normal ways.

His door opened slightly, and a face peered out of the crack.
"Good morning captain! I hope you're ok!" Finn Webber entered and sat down on a chair without permission, but Levi let it slide.
"I'm fine. You don't need to check on me."
"I just wanted to say goodbye before we leave. I won't get another chance to, after all. That section Commander is crazy!" Webber shuddered slightly.

"You don't need to tell me, kid." Levi responded, happy that someone actually agreed with him for once.
"Anyway, I wanted to know something before I go. I was hoping you would tell me as an exchange for saving your life." Webber spoke after a moment. Levi frowned. What information does he want to know? My past? Why I was acting weak out there that day? How old I was? Something personal? Why did he need to bring up the part about saving my life?! All these questions swam around his head, but the actual question seemed easy enough to explain.

"What's your relationship with the Commander?"

Levi couldn't help but laugh a little, taking Finn by surprise.
"That's a simple one. We were enemies once upon a time. I was sworn to kill him. But now we trust each other, and we're friends."

This time it was Finn's turn to laugh as he brushed his fringe out of his wide open eyes eyes.
"You don't have to lie, Captain. I don't care!"
"Lie about what?"
"What do you mean?"

Levi eyed Finn suspiciously, while Finn looked at the captain with shock.
"You mean..you don't know?" Finn gasped. Levi's blood froze. What did he not know? What was the commander hiding from him?

Levi dared to ask those questions.

Finn couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. As someone as streetwise and analytical as Levi couldn't read the signs? He must be blind!
"You're completely oblivious?" Finn asked with a smirk, causing Levi to get madder and more impatient than he already was.

"What don't I know, Webber?! Tell me!" Levi practically shouted, making Finn jump, but still laugh as he spoke.

"It's completely obvious! The Commander has feelings for you!"

Word count- 914

Well, he's been told the truth, but will Levi believe it? And does he feel the same way towards Erwin??

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