Ch. 1 - Lost My Mind

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*Michael's P.O.V*

After waking up in hospital, I've been nothing but confused. Where am I? What happened? Why is Luke here? And why the hell does he seem so shaken up by everything?!

I have so many questions, but I'm the one answering questions at the moment, the doctor wouldn't even let Ashton explain what had happened, I had to be questioned and what not first to 'see what I remember'.

Based on what I told Ashton & the doctor, Ashton is filling me in on the things I can't seem to remember, though he still hasn't told me why I can't remember these things.

If he didn't have photo evidence of it, I would of never believed Ashton when he told me that Luke was here because he is my boyfriend. I still don't remember anything about Luke & I though.

I remember having a crush on him, for a long time actually, but he hated me apparently, so I 'hated' him back. According to Ashton, Luke & I got past that fake-hate phase and just started dating, just like that, it just kind of happened.

I remember that I'm in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer, I remember that I play guitar, I remember that Calum plays bass, and that Ashton plays drums, but I can't remember the fact that Luke is in the band.

Ashton has proof though, photos & videos, hundreds of them, and sure as hell, Luke is in all of them.

He even shows me an old cover we did, of just Luke & I, singing 'If It Means a Lot to You' by A Day To Remember. I don't remember it. I mean, I remember making a cover of that song, but not who with.

It's like I remember my whole life, right up until when Luke & I became friends, that's when memories start to vanish/blur.

"I'm sorry" I mumble, tears pricking at my eyes. Ashton stops talking about some memory I only half remember and covers his lips with his hand, as if he feels sorry for opening his mouth.

"No, I'm sorry" he apologises, "I should shut up!".

"I just don't remember anything involving Luke & I being friends- or more than friends" I say in frustration, tears finally spilling from my eyes.

"It's not your fault" he says softly.

I rub the tears away from my eyes with the backs of my hands, and when I look back up at Ashton, he's just staring at me while biting his lip, clearly thinking about something.

I close my eyes and try to force a memory of Luke & I to resurface, but no matter how hard I try, all I can think of is memories of us fighting or picking on each other for no reason in particular.

"Would you like to talk to him?" I hear Ashton asks in a thoughtful voice.

"Huh?" I ask, reopening my eyes to look at him.

"Luke, would you like to talk to Luke?" He asks again, seeming hesitant to ask, "Maybe it could jog some memories".

"I- ahh-" I hesitate.

"Is it too soon?" He asks quickly, "It's okay if it is, just forget I asked if it is".

"No, I think it's a good idea" I sniff, wiping away a single tear that had fallen from my eye.

"Okay- Uhh- I'll go get him" Ashton says nervously as he jumps up from the chair he was sitting in.

"And I'll wait here" I say as I watch him leave, before quietly mumbling "Trying to figure out how I fucking got here".

I gather that Ashton was telling Luke something before letting him in here, because it takes at least five minutes before Luke walks into the room, his tear stained face causing me to feel a sharp pang of guilt.

The whole time I had been waiting for him to walk in, I had been trying my hardest to remember something, anything, about Luke, about us... But nothing returned to me.

"Luke, I'm sorry" I choke out.

Luke looks taken aback by my apology, and freezes dead in his tracks, right behind the chair Ashton had been sitting in earlier. "W-What?" He finally asks quietly.

"For not remembering" I tell him, starting to feel even worse about it, "I'm so sorry".

"Don't be, it's not your fault" he says, sounding hurt, as he sits down in the chair slowly, "Do you even know why you can't remember?".

I shake my head slowly. "They won't tell me why" I tell him, probably sounding more frustrated than I meant to.

Luke bites his bottom lip, the side without the piercing, and takes a deep breath before speaking, "You were in a coma".

The word 'coma' causes an icy wave to wash over me, draining the colour from my face... If there was any colour in my face to begin with. "A-" is all I manage to choke out before cutting myself off, "What?".

"A coma" he repeats sadly, "For eight months".

"Eight months?" I ask in a weak voice. Luke bites his lip again and nods. "How?" I ask.

"You were in a crash" he answers slowly, and as shocked as I am, I don't speak so that he can continue explaining, "You were in a taxi, I won't tell you why, mainly 'cause you won't believe me, but there was another car and, well, you were the only survivor".

"Why was I in the taxi?" I ask curiously, despite the fact that Luke had just told me I wouldn't believe him.

"You won't believe me" he says in a somewhat defensive tone.

"Maybe I will" I whine.

"Michael" Luke says firmly, his voice wavering slightly, as he jumps to his feet, "I will tell you why when you remember us, that is if you ever remember us!".

I stare at him, slightly stunned by his mood swing, and before I can think of something to say, he is on his way towards the door.

"Luke!" I call out to him, not really wanting to lose the feeling his presence brings to the room, "Stop!".

He pauses at the door. "What?" He asks quietly as he turns to face me.

"Don't leave" I practically beg.

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